Heya - Hows Everyone? =D

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by BlackPhoenix, Mar 23, 2009.

  1. BlackPhoenix

    BlackPhoenix Private First Class

    Just a thread to say hello i spose,

    never been to this site untill today, well - once, but only for about 20 minutes roughly 2 years ago. so i thought id jump in and register now - say hey, see people, spread a little conversation.

    i thought i knew a bit about keeping systems clean - but wow, this site has a whole infastructure that practically guarantee's it, ive had a quick read and the information is very extensive - its impressive :D

    so im here to learn, offer what help i can - and hopefully we'll go from there.

  2. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Hi and welcome to MGs. :)

    Jump in, the water's warm. ;)
  3. Stubby

    Stubby R.I.P. (September 3, 1949 - January 26, 2011)

    That's what we need...another smiling face around the place!!:-D Welcome to MGs, sit back, relax and we'll have LauraR serve you some fresh hot coffee!!:-D
  4. BlackPhoenix

    BlackPhoenix Private First Class

    hey hey - thank you both for the very warm welcome! hope that coffee comes piping hot :D

    and swimming too - very nice, ill try to get some relaxing in then - start on some fresh posting on the morrow!
  5. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    A warm welcome to you from the crazy side of the site! :-D
  6. BlackPhoenix

    BlackPhoenix Private First Class

    haha, well thank you - its good to be welcomed by all sides ;)

    i find they all have there benefits. lol.
  7. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    Bah, it is only sides in the Hot Button area. A warm welcome to you! :-D
  8. BlackPhoenix

    BlackPhoenix Private First Class

    ahh, i may have to mosey down to that area and take a peak - i can't help pushing buttons, hot ones tho.. hmm ' ima bringing gloves '
  9. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    So you just go around poking random buttons!??

    I like you. :-D
  10. BlackPhoenix

    BlackPhoenix Private First Class

    haha, well i find someone has to. lol.

    and thank you - hey, my mum allways said i was good at making friends!

  11. syed_ali

    syed_ali Private E-2

    can somebody help me get vista window activator
  12. BlackPhoenix

    BlackPhoenix Private First Class



    first - hijacking a thread is not allowed, you must make your own.

    second - your in the wrong forum

    and third - do you mean an illegal piece of software? i don't believe discussion of such things is allowed in this forum, i hope you don't get my thread shut down o_O
  13. syed_ali

    syed_ali Private E-2

    I have a file sharing problem. This company have several department. In one of this department it has 3 PC's that use vista business edition. Every PC's can access each other share files but this PC when want to access one of share file this error pop out "window was unable to access the file. please check your spelling bla..bla..bla.." details show code error 0x8007005. pls help me..
  14. BlackPhoenix

    BlackPhoenix Private First Class

    ok, thats most likely a managable problem - with you saying before 'vista activator' you made it sound like something else.

    hmm - im afraid im not sure how to help you with this problem - but like i suggested, you would have more luck if you created your own thread, in this forum here: http://forums.majorgeeks.com/forumdisplay.php?f=21
  15. syed_ali

    syed_ali Private E-2

  16. BlackPhoenix

    BlackPhoenix Private First Class

    oh, there is no need for apoligies mate - its all good =D

    lol, its just - this board is for introductions, no-one posts in this particular area for help.. its just to say hello - so if you post where i linked you to, people will be able to help you.

  17. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    I thought that's what the men were here for, Stubby. Now chop chop.:-D

    Fred_G speaking of the crazy side. heh...the crazy side of his New Canada. LOL

    lol...you definitely jumped right in! :-D Good for you for reading the rules. :)
  18. BlackPhoenix

    BlackPhoenix Private First Class

    us men here for coffee serving? :O


    compromise - we'll handle the nasty computer stuff, u get to the coffee, yeh? =D

    and thanks, lol - hey, i find it helps actually reading rules - but ill be honest theres one thing i couldn't find out - i don't suppose anyone reading this thread knows why i can't post in the malware forum?...
  19. dr.moriarty

    dr.moriarty Malware Super Sleuth Staff Member


    Welcome, BlackPhoenix.

    Only members of Chaslang's authorized malware fighters can reply to threads in the malware forum.

  20. BlackPhoenix

    BlackPhoenix Private First Class

    ah, cheers for the information mate - i assumed it would be a kind of permission's thing, soo... newbies can make threads - reply to there own threads, but outside users have to be in a certain group to reply? some sorta deal like that?

    where do i sign up? if you'd be so kind as to point me, i assume theres an audition =D
  21. dr.moriarty

    dr.moriarty Malware Super Sleuth Staff Member

    Yes, you are correct. Please read the following link for more information.

  22. BlackPhoenix

    BlackPhoenix Private First Class

    haha, thanks mate - altho when i was checking out your profile i saw you were browsing that page and have allready started reading it, quite interesting - see i don't know where i fall - i wouldn't be as big headed to say 'im an expert' but i deal with spyware / malware on a regular basis, friends, family, etc. i don't suppose you know if theres a way to have a word with chaslang do you? i need 50 posts to pm the guy unfortunately :(

    oh, and thank you for all your info so far =D
  23. dr.moriarty

    dr.moriarty Malware Super Sleuth Staff Member


    You're welcome, BP!

    I'll send a note to Chaslang for you.

    In the mean time, check out the stickie threads at the top of the Malware Forum, to get a feel of how our procedures are ran.

    Last edited: Mar 24, 2009
  24. BlackPhoenix

    BlackPhoenix Private First Class

    ahh, thanks very much :D

    yep, reading as we speak mate. i think i like this place. lol.
  25. dr.moriarty

    dr.moriarty Malware Super Sleuth Staff Member


    Pm sent to chas!

    This place is addictive! I joined about 16 months ago and the folks here and their skill levels ( all ranges are welcomed ) inspired me to attend a malware training school, so I could come back and help out where needed.

    Good Luck with your interview with chaslang and enjoy the site!
    dr.m [​IMG]
  26. BlackPhoenix

    BlackPhoenix Private First Class

    ahh. thanks a lot mate - you're a gent.

    haha, i feel the same way with the forums ive used in the past, you jump on - helping people kinda gets under your skin... its hard to explain. lol well - spose it would be to other people, guess most people here would understand ;)

    ooh, interview - sounds ominous and enticing all at the same time!

    hope u enjoy your afternoon, lol. :D
  27. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Generally, first you have to show that you're committed to helping out here at MGs in the other help forums.

    After that....Do you have malware experience? The way malware help works here is that there is a standard way that everyone who helps uses. Chaslang has set up these methods because they are very effective. If you are really interested, you should take a look at the method used by going through the threads in there where people are being helped. If you think you can do that, AND you are willing to put in the enormous amount of time (for which you would not get paid), then you can pm Chaslang. I would like to stress that you should help in the other forums first though.
  28. BlackPhoenix

    BlackPhoenix Private First Class

    thanks for the input LauraR! :D

    yep, i have malware experience - and i am currently taking a look through the forums, helping where i can - don't want to push too much and look like im trying to spam though, so im only replying to choice threads, and ive been reading about the procedure - looks nice, very detailed - nice and simple though.

    and i don't mind not getting paid - im a student, im used to it ! hahaha
  29. Stubby

    Stubby R.I.P. (September 3, 1949 - January 26, 2011)

    Well Black Phoenix, it appears that LauraR is busy, so how do you want your coffee??:-D Big mug, or small mug:confused:-D
  30. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    I'll take mine with 1tsp of sugar in a large mug please.:)

    Welcome aboard BlackPhoenix! MG's is a great place to learn and help and with a site that has 5 MVPs on staff and one more now helping out as a member, it doesn't get much better than this.
  31. Stubby

    Stubby R.I.P. (September 3, 1949 - January 26, 2011)

    Here ya go Augie, enjoy!!! [​IMG]
  32. BlackPhoenix

    BlackPhoenix Private First Class

    hehe, thanks for the off stubbs - ill take it with milk and 2 sugars please, biggest bowl u've got, luv me coffee ;)

    and thanks augiedoggie, yeh sounds good - alltho ill admit before now i hadn't really heard of MVP, i did a little googling after i saw it in a few peoples profiles tho - haha, at first ill admit i assumed it was just a laugh - but it looks quite cool, hey - now i know what to aim for ;)

    so ur the smart one heh, cool :D

    lolz :p
  33. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    That title has nothing to do with my technical skills, so don't get fooled by it as it was given to me for a totally different reason.;)
  34. joey off the street

    joey off the street Lounge Lizard No.1

    Speak for yourself. :neener

    Hello and welcome. Glad you could make it, we've been waiting for you.
    We need more chatty types as there aren't many around MGs. LOL

    Hey, Augie, wanted to ask, but you know me, I am very shy...but now you've broached the subject, why are you named the smart one?
  35. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    An admin found it funny or something when someone flounted their post count and I replied saying something about that it doesn't really matter, I can't really recall. You had to have been there.;)

    A custom title is only given out when someone tweaks a funny bone in the admin or stands out from the crowd. This title sort of hampers me in answering questions as if I'm not really sure about something then I won't post but I guess I should do that anyways.:)
  36. Stubby

    Stubby R.I.P. (September 3, 1949 - January 26, 2011)

    There ya go Black Phoenix! Service with a smile:) [​IMG]
  37. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    About time you got back with that coffee!

    Where's mine?

    ::taps foot::

  38. Stubby

    Stubby R.I.P. (September 3, 1949 - January 26, 2011)

    LauraR, I'd gladly get you some too, but I've seen how you react to caffine [​IMG] How about a beer instead:confused
  39. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member


    A beer sounds even better! thx
  40. Stubby

    Stubby R.I.P. (September 3, 1949 - January 26, 2011)

    Enjoy!! [​IMG]
  41. BlackPhoenix

    BlackPhoenix Private First Class

    haha, aww - now i want a beer, but its cool, ive got uni ill take the coffee graciously - thanks a lot stubby :D

    hehe, godamn this has turned into a nice active thread, lol.
    Nice to know how you got your title augiedoggi, but i bet you are pretty smart behind it though ;) although ill be carefull in the future what i say and who i say it to.. well - a little bit, you'll learn what im like =D

    and thank u mr street - very glad to be here then, looks like i got here just in time, lol.
    but hey - theres nothing wrong with being a little crazy, its how all those normal people get through life, so why can't we? :p
  42. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    roflmao roflmao roflmao you ought to wake up and "smell that coffee" us women came out the dark ages a while back. *runs back to malware removal* :p
  43. BlackPhoenix

    BlackPhoenix Private First Class

    i was waiting for someone to pick up on that comment - took a while =D

    lol, and fair point - but ill be in there some day, ur not safe for long.

    PS: i have no coffee to smell now, i drank it all :(

    fancy bringing me a cup? lol.

  44. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    Yes I picked up on it straight away and frantically set to tapping out a response LOL

    well, I wish you all the best with it. :)

    It's OK, Chas doesn't like us drinking coffee :p

    No I (censored) don't
    You fancy fetching me a beer? And while you're there wash up the dishes in the sink
  45. BlackPhoenix

    BlackPhoenix Private First Class

    you get away with leaving dishes in the sink? tut tut, terrible - whats the world coming to nowadays =D

    tell ya what - compromise, how about we go to a bar and i buy us both a beer?

    seems fair to me.
  46. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    I can do what I want, I answer to NO man :-D

    nah..I'm washing my hair tonight
  47. BlackPhoenix

    BlackPhoenix Private First Class

    ooh, arctic.

    haha, nice =D
  48. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    cold as ice yes:neener
  49. BlackPhoenix

    BlackPhoenix Private First Class

    haha, nah - its a front.

    its cool though ;)

    but haven't you heard the scientists? global warming - everythings gonna melt =D
  50. KathyM

    KathyM Master Sergeant

    Your not trying to "melt" Kestrel13!'s heart are ya???????:-D

    And welcome to MG's!!!!

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