Hi Gary!

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by eclayton, Jan 12, 2006.

  1. eclayton

    eclayton Sgt. Shorts-cough

    Hi there, my friend. How are you these days? We owe you a phonecall, don't we?
  2. eclayton

    eclayton Sgt. Shorts-cough

    Nuts, he left. Hope he comes back....
  3. eclayton

    eclayton Sgt. Shorts-cough

    Wait! He's been spotted again! Quick, catch him!
  4. eclayton

    eclayton Sgt. Shorts-cough

    Lev, trip him before he gets out the door!
  5. eclayton

    eclayton Sgt. Shorts-cough

    Fine, I'll trip him before he gets out the door! :mad:

    :D :D
  6. G.T.

    G.T. R.I.P February 4, 2007. You will be missed.


    Hey, I wasn't resisting!


    Greetings oh Celtic singer. How goes it? Nice to catch you online. I don't know about "owing" me a phone call, but would be nice to chat with you.

    I'm doing well, all things considered. Still mobile, solvent, and working. What more could you ask for? :D
  7. eclayton

    eclayton Sgt. Shorts-cough

    Okay, let's try this: Gary, trip Lev before she get's out the door!
    Whoops, posted too soon! :D
    Good to see you, Gary.
  8. G.T.

    G.T. R.I.P February 4, 2007. You will be missed.

    But you DON'T see me. I don't have a webcam, and I'm too far away for your birdwatching binoculars. :p :D

    How are the renovation projects coming along?
  9. eclayton

    eclayton Sgt. Shorts-cough

    You don't know how good my bins are, then, do you? :p

    Renovations coming along. Just put in the new entertainment center, still have to attach the doors and drawers, but the sliding hinge hardware is installed, and everything looks great. Cindy is re-covering the loveseat. We got a new cushion cut out of some fairly decent quality foam, and a friend is making some trim to join all the pieces...she'll be here Saturday and hopefully they'll cut the fabric and start attaching it this weekend.

    We're running new Cat 5 cable on 5th floor here, to each room. Basically setting up a box just outside each room above the ceiling tiles, so if someone wants to, they can plug in without having to run the cable the whole way to the patch panel. After that's all up, we'll install new ceiling tiles, and hopefully cut down on a lot of noise......It's awful loud right now'! :eek:

    Then, we'll paint Drexel's room (he needs boy colors!) and put in some laminate flooring in the living room.

    After that.....

    You know what, I don't want to think about "After that". :D

    Anything new with you? Kolya never forgets to pray for you at night, even when we forget. :)
  10. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek


    Which one of you guys has the big feet????


    Oh myyyyyyy :eek:
  11. G.T.

    G.T. R.I.P February 4, 2007. You will be missed.

    One or two new things, but things I'd rather talk about on the phone. (How's that for incentive? :D)

    I got my 3-month dose of Lupron Monday, which knocked me on my butt for a few days after the first one. So far this one has been no problem, for which I'm grateful. If I get through this weekend without any heavy-duty pain killers, I'll consider this time a miss, and be VERY grateful. :)
  12. eclayton

    eclayton Sgt. Shorts-cough

    That would be Gary!
  13. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    Well hello Gary!

    lol :p
  14. G.T.

    G.T. R.I.P February 4, 2007. You will be missed.

    Hello Ms. Funnyware! Welcome to our little corner of the Twilight Zone. :)

    And my feet arent BIG, just wide. :D
  15. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    Good to hear they are sorting you out with some meds that don't have too many adverse side effects Gary :)
  16. G.T.

    G.T. R.I.P February 4, 2007. You will be missed.

    Same meds, just the second time around doesn't seem to be as big a shock to the system. Hopefully. Last time it hit hard about a week after, but I don't feel as bad 3 days into this one as I did the first time, so I'm hoping that trend continues. I'm on something else monthly, but that one isn't too bad.

    Is Cindy around Eric? Would be nice to rope her in as well.
  17. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    I thik we are boring Gary, Eric. Cindy must be one entertaining lady ;)
  18. G.T.

    G.T. R.I.P February 4, 2007. You will be missed.

    Not at all, but Cindy's a sweetie, and the more the merrier. Besides, she tends to keep eclayton in line. SHE never would have let him tackle me. (sniff!)
  19. eclayton

    eclayton Sgt. Shorts-cough

    Okay, sorry, been spending all this time coming up with this.......:rolleyes:

    Cindy's here, I'll see if she'll tear herself away from CSI NY for a minute! :D

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  20. cindysnoopy

    cindysnoopy Shotgun!

    Yep, I'm here! The joys of Tivo. I can just hit pause and finish watching another time. :)
  21. G.T.

    G.T. R.I.P February 4, 2007. You will be missed.

    That's the view my bathroom scales get. LOL.
  22. G.T.

    G.T. R.I.P February 4, 2007. You will be missed.

    Hi Cindy! Now you and Lev can gang up on us. Tivo is handy. Wish I had one. ;) Still old fashioned that way. If I want to save something I fire up the VCR.
  23. BoredOutOfMyMind

    BoredOutOfMyMind Picabo, ICU

    What is that funny smell? Is your nose running?


    (old joke)
  24. G.T.

    G.T. R.I.P February 4, 2007. You will be missed.

    No, my feet run and my nose smells. Or used to. My feet walk more these days. :D Hey BOOMMer. :)
  25. BoredOutOfMyMind

    BoredOutOfMyMind Picabo, ICU

    GT good to see you brought Cindy out of hiding.

    Tell her to get some new pics of the kids put up here.

    Eric was supposed to give this to us for Christmas, but you know how he is....
  26. cindysnoopy

    cindysnoopy Shotgun!

    It is about time we called you. If it wasn't so close to our bedtime we'd call right now, but you know how we are, we get talking and next thing you know 2-3 hours have passed!

    Eric and I have started a family "no tv, no computer" day for us and the kids. Fridays are "unplugged", so we're squeezing in as much as we can tonight so we can make it through 'til Saturday. ;) lol! Actually, it's been a lot of fun. We play games with the kids, read, and *gasp* actually talk to eachother! We've talked about doing it for about a year and just never buckled down and did it. Kolya seems to be the one who hates it and loves it the most. She doesn't like the restriction of it, but she loves the games and extra focused attention from us. We've really tried to make it a positive thing. Drexel hasn't seemed to miss the tv at all. He mostly rolls with things anyway though.

    So, anything new with you? Any new "toys"? With our newly renovated room, Eric and I practically have a new outlook on life. We did so many things to simplify. Tried to get rid of a lot of stuff, and better organize what we have. It's kinda silly, and they're just little things, but what a difference it's made in our everyday living! My favorite new toys are the entertainment center (almost done) and our new dishes. The dishes all have a place on the shelf, and somehow, we just want to wash them and put them away, because they look so nice.

    OK, I've monologued long enough. I'd better check to see what you've said.... :blush:
  27. cindysnoopy

    cindysnoopy Shotgun!

    I know, I know, Eric told me. I do have a few cute ones. Can you believe it, Drexel turned 4 last month and Kolya turns 6 on Sunday. My little ones aren't so little anymore!

    Kolya is already talking about getting married! She's got a little boyfriend at school. She asked me if it was ok to ask him to marry her. I told her that maybe she should wait until she was old enough to get married before she started proposing to boys. Later on I found out that she asked, and he said yes. I said, I thought we were going to wait until you were older to propose to boys, and she said, "I know, we're not going to get married now or anything. I'm just saving him for later when I AM old enough."
  28. BoredOutOfMyMind

    BoredOutOfMyMind Picabo, ICU

    PM me when you get them put somewhere on the web, please.

    Flickr, Photobucket, blogger, whatever....

    Thanks for the reply.
  29. G.T.

    G.T. R.I.P February 4, 2007. You will be missed.

    Unplugged days are a great idea. Weaning most kids from TV requires duct tape these days, but the family interaction is worth more than gold.

    New toys.... I finally got an mp3 player so I can listen to old time radio shows during my monthly IV drip at the oncologist. Half hour drip & half-hour shows work well together. Somebody gave me a portable DVD player for Christmas, which is a NICE gift, but I haven't really used it yet. Flight back from California was too noisy to listen with the ear-buds I had, and at home either the TV or the computer are better for movies. That's about it for new toys so far. I DID get a better set of in-the-ear ear buds for the mp3 player after Christmas which sound better and cut down the external noise some. And a fresh copy of Kiplinger Tax Cut, but that's not really a toy. ;)
  30. cindysnoopy

    cindysnoopy Shotgun!

    Here's Kolya being extra cute. She actually asked for the camera this time. Usually she's hiding from it. She's quite the princess, eh?

    Attached Files:

  31. cindysnoopy

    cindysnoopy Shotgun!

    Sounds cool, what kind of mp3 player? We haven't really found a need to get one, but I do think they're cool. Lots of folks around here with ipods, but I know they're not the only thing out there. I'd considered the next time I upgrade my PDA getting something that included an mp3 player just for fun.

    DVD player sounds like fun too. Don't know if you have a TV in your bedroom, but it might be nice to be able to watch movies in bed. Eric and I got spoiled while we were living in the livingroom working on our room. The TV was right at the foot of our bed. We watched tv before going to bed every night. I told Eric I'm tempted to get a mirror and place it on the wall so that I can see the reflection of the tv under the loft from my side of the bed. I've done it with a bathroom mirror when we're watching something but I'm too tired to stay up on the couch and watch. (I know, it's crazy, but it works!)
  32. G.T.

    G.T. R.I.P February 4, 2007. You will be missed.

    LOL. Kolya's gonna be a hearbreaker. I can't believe how old they're getting (we're getting). ;)
  33. cindysnoopy

    cindysnoopy Shotgun!

    Here's a fairly recent one of Drexel. I just love that smile. That boy is such a joy.

    Attached Files:

  34. G.T.

    G.T. R.I.P February 4, 2007. You will be missed.

    Mine's a Creative Zen Nano Plus. Holds a gigabyte of stuff + an FM tuner, and is about the size of a Zippo cigarette lighter. Controls aren't as easy as the Ipod, but easily usable, cheaper than Ipod too.

    Movies in bed. Sounds decadent. :D I'll have to try that.
  35. cindysnoopy

    cindysnoopy Shotgun!

    And nothing gets past her. She's always making these profound observations. I know I was bright as a kid, but she's asking about things that I know I didn't think about until I was a lot older. And her memory! They do scripture memory verses in school. One every week. She has them down pat, no problem, book, chapter, verse and all. My mom wanted me to teach her "Now I am 6" by A.A. Milne. She's almost got it down, and we've only gone through it a couple of times.

    When I was One, I had just begun.

    When I was Two, I was nearly new.

    When I was Three, I was hardly Me.

    When I was Four, I was not much more.

    When I was Five, I was just alive.

    But now I am Six, I'm as clever as clever.
    So I think I'll be six now for ever and ever.
    A.A. Milne
  36. Clanger

    Clanger Private E-2

    My word!! Both of your kids are little cuties, Cindy.

    Isn't Drexel starting to look more and more like Eric? Kolya is the spitting image of you. :)

    Hi GT, hope you are well.
  37. BoredOutOfMyMind

    BoredOutOfMyMind Picabo, ICU

    Thanks for the pics Cindy!!

    Late gifts are always a joy.

    (next year I am reminding Eric in Oct!)
  38. cindysnoopy

    cindysnoopy Shotgun!

    Add some chocolate to the mix and you're good to go. Eric had me well taken care of this Christmas. We were out shopping, and I mentioned that I wanted chocolate for Christmas. He surprised me with several bags of my favorites from Blommers, and I hardly shared them :p Chocolate covered orange peels - YUM!!
  39. G.T.

    G.T. R.I.P February 4, 2007. You will be missed.

    If I was any weller they'd have to bleed me. :D

    Not really, but it sounds good. ;)

    Chocolate sounds good Cindy, but for me it's soft oatmeal-raisin cookies. I can seriously overdose on those. My sister sent some home with me at Christmas... didn't last long.
  40. cindysnoopy

    cindysnoopy Shotgun!

    I see bits of both of us in both kids all the time. Drexel is so much like my grandfather. I see him in there a lot. Kolya looks a lot like Eric's sister (who looks a lot like Eric), and her personality is more like Eric's while Drexel's is more like mine. Though Drexel is very tidy and organized naturally like Eric and Kolya is more creative and scattered like me :) My Mom says that visiting with Kolya is like looking at herself 50-some years ago. They do both have that oldest sibling manner while I was the baby of the family.
  41. cindysnoopy

    cindysnoopy Shotgun!

    Well, I'd better turn in. Eric turned out the light about 15 minutes ago, and asked me to type softer. :) It's my turn to get the kids off to school tomorrow, so I'd better be rested.

    G'night everybody. Good chatting with you. Looking forward to talking with you GT.
  42. G.T.

    G.T. R.I.P February 4, 2007. You will be missed.

    Night all. I should turn in too. It's Friday already, and work looms.

    Later. :)
  43. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    @Eric & Cindy.....you have such beautiful kids :) You are so blessed.

    I wish, but sadly, it would start WWIII in our house. I never watched TV in the UK....it's never off here :rolleyes: Computer? Beginning to wish I'd never bought the new one...I hardly get to use it anyway.

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