Hi! Im Almost Brad Pitt-i Love My Pet Virus In My Pc. Lol

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by danakabradpitt, May 3, 2016.

  1. danakabradpitt

    danakabradpitt Private E-2

    I have a confirmed firmware rootkit in my system , and over time i have learned how to adapt and live with it. It pokes a hole in my security system through windows ten, and so i fight back a little , and its a fun little game we have. As we all know there really isnt any way to get rid of a firmware rootkit, including bios removal now too! I decided to join your forum since it was highly recommended and also I have been self taught in the art of battling infections , considering the new payloads of signatureless stuff it keeps gifting me through its hidden back door on my system. Im open for conversations and have great ideas except for myself. Thanks for having me. :)))
  2. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    DavidGP and Eldon like this.
  3. danakabradpitt

    danakabradpitt Private E-2

    You cannot fight something you cannot use a scanner for , that cannot be scanned. Ive seeked help before , it only leaves you being dismissed as clean. I wish there was a solution to this problem I have , which I recently posted a thread in microsoft community discussions..in which how microsoft needs to learn how to create a way to adapt to this major rising issue. Firmware Rootkits are nothing to be laughed at or doubted in how much is really out there in the wild...because nobody really knows along with how its effectiveness only makes sense so I am most certain many will look to it for the way to go in the bad guys world.
  4. the mekanic

    the mekanic Major Mekanical Geek

    What is the make and model of your motherboard?

    If it has a removable EEPROM, you can flash a new one externally and replace the existing one.
    danakabradpitt and Imandy Mann like this.
  5. danakabradpitt

    danakabradpitt Private E-2

    Oh really?
    AIO Intel Motherboard s1155 BA92-11202A - is what i found..:))
  6. danakabradpitt

    danakabradpitt Private E-2

    I will contact samsung support , they actually suprised me with their customer care. The support they have online is primarily done through skype type setup, which in my case being brad pitt...makes it difficult when your having a bad hair day. :))
  7. the mekanic

    the mekanic Major Mekanical Geek

    Not a removable EEPROM on that laptop board.

    A motherboard swap would be at least $150 in parts. I would query Samsung support about possibly flashing the BIOS for you to clear and rewrite the data on the EEPROM.
    DavidGP likes this.

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