how to become a billionaire!!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by peteplum, May 28, 2006.

  1. peteplum

    peteplum Private E-2

    hi everybody!!
    thanks for the welcome email from steve and the advice concerning windows xp, from canada and australia. i found it hard to accept the fact that i had to refomat my hard drive three times because every time i went to update my computer on windows update site my computor froze and was unworkable.if this had not occurred i would not have to validate my windows xp. after it validated twice it then refused to validate only by phone. it then validated but became unusable, because after phoning microsoft they said i had exceeded the allowed amount of times i could validate it and i would have to buy a new licence for £61,00. even though i suspect the problem was down to their site!! however i have now resolved the problem!! so it does not matter. cheers. peteplum.

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