Improving webcam broadcast quality

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by aaronkar, Jun 9, 2005.

  1. aaronkar

    aaronkar Private E-2

    Hello all, it's been a while since I've posted.

    So, my girlfriend and I have both have Logitech Quickcam Pro 4000 webcams.
    She's got a Powerbook running OS 10.3.5
    I've got an Inspiron running XP
    We both have a cable modem connection.
    We are viewing each others webcams (no kinky stuff!) via Yahoo Messenger, in part because the Logitech box says that that's the only program that will work with the webcam on a mac.

    So we're all set up but the quality is just, well, underwhelming.

    The picture itself is pretty clear, but the broadcast is pretty choppy, ie. not fluid at all. In other words, if I wave my hand from side to side, she'll just see my hand on one side, and then a half second later, my hand on the other side, without seeing any "waving motion" in between if that explains it a little better. There's also a few-second delay, which I'm guessing is ineveitable. But it's improving the broadcast quality that I'm really concerned with.

    We've both got fairly new computers on a broadband connection with brand new webcams. Any ideas?

    Much thanks!!!!
  2. mcadam

    mcadam Major Amnesia

    I'm not sure if this works, but can you try MSN Messenger? It might work on a mac.
    Also, if there's many people using Yahoo messenger at one time it can go quite slow.
    Another thing to consider is do you have any P2P software installed? That can slow a connection down quite a bit.
  3. aaronkar

    aaronkar Private E-2

    Is MSN Messenger known to work better with webcams than Yahoo Messenger?
  4. ~Pyrate~

    ~Pyrate~ MajorGeek

    i've cammed with people on messy ... even when the other person had dial I didn't get much stuttering
  5. aaronkar

    aaronkar Private E-2

    messy = msn messenger?
  6. MellowMan

    MellowMan First Sergeant

    msn always works better for me.

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