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Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Major Attitude, May 22, 2021.

  1. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    MajorGeeks has tried many things to grow as a small operation over the years, and one of the longest-running passion projects was our Macintosh website.

    MajorGeeks has always been a small operation focused on quality and maintained by a tiny, underpaid team. Jim runs the business end, Tim manages the website, and Jon helps out with the daily updates. Our forums are also maintained by volunteers who have believed in us for 20 years.

    Over the course of 20 years, much has changed financially, personally, and professionally. Our friend, Krista, has managed the Mac website for us putting in much more time than she ever received financially. Much like MajorGeeks, Mac was a passion project. Krista has other obligations now and has decided to move on. We remain friends and always will be.

    Because of this, updates ceased on May 14th, and we intend to delete the website. For Jim, Jon, and myself, MajorGeeks is a 24-7 project that we've proudly maintained for over 20 years, never missing a day. It dominates our lives. It's our career, passion, and hobby.

    While we know many Mac users don't use a PC, we heard from a surprising number of Mac users who also use Windows and said they will still visiting MajorGeeks. Of course, we have also been adding Linux distros and downloads when we have something already listed that supports Linux. It's possible we could do the same for Mac.

    Stay tuned, and thanks for your support.
    plodr likes this.
  2. ownthree

    ownthree Corporal

    Sir yes, sir! I'm glad I found this forum as well.
    mladynicole likes this.
  3. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

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