Major Geeks Swag

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by kennie, Jul 5, 2021.

  1. kennie

    kennie Private First Class

    You guys push your swag all the time but I'm curious out of the money people use to buy stuff how much of it goes towards supporting MG ?
    Bubbly Snowflake likes this.
  2. Corporal Punishment

    Corporal Punishment Administrator Staff Member

    I'm curious to this question. Who else would it support? We aren't a big corporation. There's like 5 of us. :) Most days it goes for "coffee" which is my nickname for Guinness. In fairness, I drink it out of a MajorGeeks coffee mug. :) (How's that for a shameless plug)

    Maybe you are speaking of what the percent profits are from using a service like teespring? The answer to that is very little. I'm not sure I am allowed to say how little publicly, but you can look it up on other sites. The advantage is that we do not need to stock anything and it integrates into our YouTube channel and they handle all the shipping and returns. We used to print and stock all the shirts ourselves but ended up getting stuck HUGE on that when our shipper/supplier decided to go wonky.

    But every little bit helps as it is super expensive to run something like this and everyday every corporate tech giant is trying to find a way to put small sites out of business.

    I hope that answers this question. Thanks.

    Attached Files:

    RexB, DavidGP and plodr like this.
  3. kennie

    kennie Private First Class

    Yeah I was speaking of what the percent profits do you guys get from teespring that's all.. Honestly I thought it wasn't much, normally things like that don't deal out a whole lot.

    I more so was curious cause over the last year I bought a tshirt, hoodie and three masks all sportin something of MajorGeeks. After reading that I guess if I really wanted to support you guys i'd just donate through paypal.. maybe next time
  4. Corporal Punishment

    Corporal Punishment Administrator Staff Member

    I couldn't be more humbled. Some items are like $1 some are like $5. But really its the cool factor that someone out there for some reason thought it was cool enough to wear it or drink coffee from something we made. You can;t put a price on that... well yeah.. check they 19.95 is the price. :)
    DavidGP likes this.
  5. kennie

    kennie Private First Class

    Well MajorGeeks has became a rather large part of my life. I visit the site numerous times during the day and if I recommend a download to anyone 90-95% of the time it's through you guys.
    When people ask "what's the best (insert software here)" I tend to refer them to the best freeware link. Since I've learned over the years, what the best software is for ME doesn't mean it's the best for someone else. I may find certain things easy to use/navigate/get the job done. But others may not.

    I also find myself checking out new software almost weekly, not that I do much on my PC.. But one never knows when something may stop getting supported or makes a change that I dislike and have me scramble for something new.. At times I even find myself testing out Nightly versions of stuff just to tickle that part of my brain.

    So when the opportunity arose for me to snap up some MG swag I had to, I feel like so many people don't have basic computer knowledge to keep things up and running good. So if I get a chance to promote something that I like I try to do just that.
    DavidGP and Eldon like this.
  6. ComputerJunkie

    ComputerJunkie Private E-2

    You guys should send me a free T-shirt in my size! I was thinking about joining HIBP and guess what I found? And you never notified me of this breach. Thanks a heap!

    MajorGeeks: In November 2015, almost 270k accounts from the MajorGeeks support forum were breached. The accounts were being actively sold and traded online and included email addresses, salted password hashes and IP addresses.

    Compromised data: Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Usernames
  7. Anon-e88bcb5f0b

    Anon-e88bcb5f0b Anonymized

    Salted password hashes - so precautions were taken, right? Perhaps MG should have disclosed and sent out emails advising about the alleged breach way back in 2015 - but I am a relatively new member and wasn't around. But this day and age, we hear about data break in's pretty much every day! Methinks the "big deal" isn't about notifications anymore... but much more that users need to just "assume" breakin's as a matter of time... and set up accordingly!

    Anyhoo, my various forum accounts are all created using different burner email's, different handles, and unique 15-character passwords (thank you, Keepass!). Zebra... is last, get it? So... if any of my forum accounts becomes compromised, the damage is minimal to nil.
  8. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    This is extremely old information and was addressed in the forums 7 years ago. We have since moved forum software so we addressed the issue. As mentioned above, it happens constantly. In this day and age, assume your bank or doctors office or retailer, etc, are going to be hacked and change your passwords regularly.

    And fyi, there was an email that went out back then stating the below quote. So yes, people were notified by the owners. I will be happy to delete your account and all your information with it if you would like. If you would, go to this thread: Some people have an issue getting it to work. If you do, go ahead and post in there and I'll do it for you.

    Email that went out to everyone after the breach:

    Last edited: Jul 23, 2022
    DavidGP, RexB, TimW and 2 others like this.

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