Major Geeks Webpage Fonts

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by coover, Jul 16, 2022.

  1. coover

    coover Private E-2

    Hey Tim,

    I love Major Geeks and have been using it DAILY for (probably) as long as you've been publishing it. But I have a problem ... it's not with all my computers, but with one in my bedroom, which uses a 55" TV as a monitor.

    I'm 8o years old, having started with computers in my junior year as a Math Major at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo in 1962 when I took a class in Fortran IV. We had an IBM 360 with 8 Kb memory and punch card access ... those were the days. But at 80, my eyes are not what they used to be, and on that Bedroom TV, the smaller blue text that you use for software descriptions is, in some cases, impossible to read, in other cases, very difficult to read. The problem is probably exacerbated by the angle the TV is set to from my viewing location, but there is nothing I can do about that.

    I've attempted all kinds of ways to get around this. I've tried the "Accessibility Settings" in windows and I've tried to change the various TV settings. I've changed the computer settings for resolution. I've tried changing font sizes for the computer and for browser (I use Brave). But when the changes I make allow me to actually read what is on the page, either the webpage no longer fits the screen, or the screen looks like it has been defaced by vandals.

    I suspect that, at least for me, I may be able to read the page better if you used a different font, bold black letters rather than the blue, not so bold letters. Just a suggestion ... it may help others, too.

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