My head hurts !!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by copywestbound, May 24, 2006.

  1. copywestbound

    copywestbound Private E-2

    :eek: Hi all.. total newbie here.. Im rebuilding my computer.. ( :rolleyes: oh why why why... LOL..) all put together and it keeps freezing.. and now says I need a bootable disk for XP.. anyone know where I can get a bootable floppy download for Xp 2 home edition.?.. cheers for now :)
  2. Natakel

    Natakel Guest


    I can relate to headaches and computer woes . . . they usually go hand in hand.

    This site should have what you need.

    Good luck!
  3. copywestbound

    copywestbound Private E-2

    Im not sure if I'm in the right area for this post ..sorry all..
    Hi Natakel... thanks for the reply.... The smallest file at for use as a bootable disk was 4.2mb, a little large for a floppy. So I thought I would download the file to a CD-R, {from a second computer}but for some reason the computer I am having dramas with wont read it... SO...I rebooted my computer with the WinXP cd in the drive to try and fix whatever the problem might be...I got part way into the Windows Setup section and my computer froze again...Now it will occassionaly boot up but only with the cd in the drive, and it always goes to "system checks" like it is going to reinstall Win XP.... Some details for you.. P4 3.2 cpu, Motherboard Asus P5N32-sli Deluxe, 1gb Apacer DDR2 ( 2x512 sticks}, MSI GT7800 Graphics card, 460 w Power pack, 80gbSeagate HDD.. Oh yeah.. I tried to get into Bios on start up.. and it also freezes there as well... I'm kind of leaning to the power pack but it's all new.. Anyhow.. any help would be appreciated
  4. Natakel

    Natakel Guest

    Wow. I've never had that happen, so this problem is beyond my ken.

    You mentioned you have an XP cd - you might try and "repair" the OS (don't use the repair console - click that you want to install XP, and the install utility should search for and find XP on your system - and give you the option to repair it. I did this once - it lets you keep all your files; but you do need to load all the XP updates). But if you are freezing in bios, I doubt that would help you. Have you recently flashed the bios? A corrupt bios can cause endless problems, I've been told.

    Sorry I couldn't help.
  5. copywestbound

    copywestbound Private E-2

    Yeah WOW is right... LOL. You're right, I have tried the repair option but unfortunately my computer wont stay running long enough to complete the task.. It even shut down, restarted itself and went straight back to repairing, well actually started reinstalling Windows without any command prompts to do so.. I think it needs a spray of holy water and a Priest actually LOL !!! I have sent emails to Asus to see if they are able to help me as I am way out of my depth here.. I'll post the results in the next few days or so I hope.. thanks for your efforts.. much appreciated
  6. Heather Ann

    Heather Ann Private E-2

    Hey there,

    I'm not expert, but if I were you, I'd swap out my ram first.

    Bad ram can cause all sortsa weird things.

    Good luck!
  7. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

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