OK, trying this out, newbie wannabe, know just enough to get into trouble

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by biggeekwannabe, Dec 9, 2009.

  1. biggeekwannabe

    biggeekwannabe Private E-2

    I've had a few incidents in recent time that have always brought me to MajorGeeks.com, getting some answers. Those were all worked out thanks for the honesty in the answers given the problems. I figured maybe I should join this forum and see if I can get even geekier.... is that a bad thing? I've used similar forums to look for answers in motorcyle repairs, when my bikes have wierd issues, and once in a while got a straight answer there too. And once in a while, I got BS'd too. Not a good feeling. But here, I've seen more straight answers from seemingly nice people who want to help. So thanks for letting me sign in and on, and I'll be hoping to learn things as I read various threads.
  2. bigtrucks

    bigtrucks MajorGeek

    Well welcome aboard BGW.
    IMHO there is nothing wrong with wanting to learn. and that's what a lot of people here do, learn from others. The rest teach us as they have been taught. There's a lot here to read, so have at it. You mentioned motorcycle repair. Well I do believe we have some mekanecks here:-D. You can try here http://forums.majorgeeks.com/forumdisplay.php?f=57 as it has a lot of info on anything with wells plus. If you have answers for someone please answer. The Malware forums are the only forums where you can not reply in others post. That's left to our great and fierce fighting malware fighters. So enjoy the place.

  3. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    :wave Welcome to Major Geeks! :major

    I work as a full-time tech in a small PC shop, and spend some time here at MG helping folks out, but many are the times I have posted in need of advice. It's a constant learning process and it's impossible (IMO) to be at a place where you don't need to learn something new. Sometimes when I post a problem I'm having, I might not get an exact answer, but I'll get someone looking at the problem from a totally different angle and they'll offer insight that "clicks the bulb" for a "Eureka!" type moment. That's one of the many things MG is great for: different points of view and different solutions and suggestions. So, welcome aboard, absorb all you can, and if you feel you can help someone, jump in and offer your assistance.

  4. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Welcome to MG, biggeekwannabe:wave You sure picked a great place! There is just a ton of information here just waiting for you to learn! Enjoy!;)
  5. silas

    silas MajorGeek

    Hello and welcome to the forum! :wave
  6. da.bell

    da.bell Private First Class

    Welcome and don't worry about anything. We all started off not knowing crap about computers anyways. :-D
  7. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
  8. rustyjack

    rustyjack MajorGeek

    Welcome to MG :wave biggeekwannabe, hope you stick around !
  9. biggeekwannabe

    biggeekwannabe Private E-2

    Wow, nice welcoming, make me feel ok in this group. Thanks. I'm not having any issues at the present, but was reading a page like - Before doing anything else, here's some things everybody should be doing to their computers to help keep them running better - then I had to go and lost the page mark. Am looking for it again. Could use some direction. The other thing I'd like to get down is what to do if I ever get the dreded VIRUS terminator and have to start from button on to get rid of it. Would like to have some printed guide to help me out. Thanks again for the welcome...BGW
  10. silas

    silas MajorGeek

    Pretty much you can go the the main lobby of forums http://forums.majorgeeks.com/index.php and look at the top says"Guides and Frequently Asked Questions" You can go read that info. Also if you want to do a cleaning of your computer you can go on the main page of the forums and go into the"Malware Removal" section. In there you see some stickys at the top read all of them before doing this cleaning your about to do. Main ones are dont bump your thread http://forums.majorgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=104916 and "READ & RUN ME FIRST Malware Removal Guide" do EXACTLY what that read and run tells ask you to do! And at the end post your problem in the malware section and post your correct logs with it. Anymore questions just ask. :)
  11. biggeekwannabe

    biggeekwannabe Private E-2

    Thank you for that direction. It is exactly what I was reading, have it now in another open webpage. Won't lose it. Really appreciate your tip. Got to learn how to jump from one thing to what I was doing to want. Will get the hang of it in time. I recall now thinking I'd like to know more about that, and that was how I got in that thread. Again, thanks, trying hard. BGW
  12. dr.moriarty

    dr.moriarty Malware Super Sleuth Staff Member

    to MajorGeeks Support Forums!!


    Was it this guide?

    Basic computer maintenance everyone should do
  13. LI_Geek_95

    LI_Geek_95 Post-and-Run Geek

    Just Kidding!

    I'm big on pictures of cats (lolcats)
  14. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    welcome to the forums! :)
  15. biggeekwannabe

    biggeekwannabe Private E-2

    Yep, I found that and read it, thanks.
  16. biggeekwannabe

    biggeekwannabe Private E-2

    I have to tell you I've begun to feel like I have some special "people" on my side of this monster called a PC. You know like the commercial about the tax problems, when the guy says he's got "People". I think I can come here and probably find some serious answers for some real issues should they come up. I appreciate that. I'm focusing on getting familiar with keeping the thing running well - to start. That Malware thread was fantastic.
  17. silas

    silas MajorGeek

    Don't be a stranger! You can always stay and read and learn. :major
  18. Engineer

    Engineer Guest

    Welcome to MG..
  19. puzzlez

    puzzlez Private E-2

    Love you handle! Welcome and have a great time learning as I do all the folks here are awesome!!!

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