Resident Evil: Welcome To Raccoon City

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by SCT Guy, Feb 26, 2023.

  1. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Specialist

    He's totally correct.

    The movie was utter trash. A waste of time, and probably even worse than anything Paul Anderson directed.

    The animated movies are average. I wouldn't say they are brilliant, even if they do help to re-introduce characters that have been absent for a long time. But this reboot of the live action movies was just pointless, with the race of the characters being the polar opposite to what they were originally. I have no idea why they keep on doing that, but if somebody is Chinese, you don't get an African person to play him or her, because then they're completely unrecognisable. It's just a fact. It is most certainly not anyone trying to discriminate them as people.

    Now... I suppose if something is technically not completely sticking to the source material because it's meant to be a more self-contained iteration, then that would be the main reason for altering so much. Obviously, right?

    Also, the way Hollywood personnel unleashes their inner George Lucas and deliberately ruins franchises in general. They didn't care about the other beloved franchises they wrecked in recent years. So this is really no different.

    Uh, man. It's crazy!

    Regards, from thesaunderschild.


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