Separation Of Powers

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by legalsuit, Aug 10, 2017.

  1. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Unfortunately, not all people want to understand this.
    Again, not all people want to accept this.

    Maybe we should cut to the chase.
    Let's remove everything that offends everyone.
    And then we'll have nothing left...
    DavidGP likes this.
  2. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    In this instance, people have their own opinions, views and thoughts to which they are entitled. However, when it comes to whatever law is enforced and if the people still do not ‘want to understand”, then a democracy would allow them to pursue change…in a legal manner.

    Not accepting what the law degrees can only cause problems for the individual(s). We’re both aware countries have a Rule of Law which “…is a principle under which all persons, institutions, and entities are accountable to laws that are: publicly promulgated; equally enforced; independently adjudicated; and consistent with international human rights principles…”[1]

    And when it comes to human rights:

    “…The protection of fundamental human rights was a foundation stone in the establishment of the United States over 200 years ago…The United States understands that the existence of human rights helps secure the peace, deter aggression, promote the rule of law, combat crime and corruption, strengthen democracies, and prevent humanitarian crises…”[2]

    While I understand where you’re coming from, we both know doing that would invite chaos because regardless of what one does, there’s always opposition. The law, rules, disciplines and principles are in place to maintain civil rights and procedures within communities. Going outside these lines only invites trouble and problems.

    [1] United States Courts – Overview of Rule of Law:

    [2] U.S. Department of State – Human Rights:
  3. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I totally agree with you. All the crap in the world should be a warning to all of us that chaos and, subsequently, anarchy will be the beginning of the end.

    However, laws and human rights must apply equally to everyone.
    legalsuit likes this.
  4. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    We’re both on the same page.

    While country members to the United Nations Human Rights,[1] also have their own Human Rights Commission and Treaties in place with the UN, it doesn’t mean Human Rights are always accepted by individuals, as you already noted.

    So, upon reflecting to aspects of Separation of Powers, “…basic human rights are: Indivisible and interdependent Governments should not be able to pick and choose which are respected.” I dare not comment further in lieu of what occurred following Charlottesville.

    [1] United Nations Human Rights by Country:
    Eldon likes this.
  5. Anon-469e6fb48c

    Anon-469e6fb48c Anonymized

  6. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Well, we will all get an answer to the original post...... North Korea has just launched a missile that shot across the northern part of Japan. Hope you don't have any children in uniform.
    DavidGP likes this.
  7. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

  8. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

  9. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

  10. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    Expect/probably not...but it is the Diplomatic ploy to get enough countries involved to place enough sanctions to squeeze NK into a position that will cripple them enough to think again when despite their size upon seeing who/what is opposing them it would be wiser to rethink strategy.

    Don't forget the Treaties between countries when joined in unison can present a formidable opponent.
  11. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    Checking on latest events re Kim Jong Un, I tuned in on our Prime Minister Turnbull's interview noting his comments:

    “...If he starts a war the reality, however, is he will lose it instantly. It would be a suicide note on his part.

    So what he is trying to do is intimidate his neighbours, intimidate South Korea, intimidate Japan, into giving him what he wants ... intimidate the United States, in regards to these economic sanctions..."

    ...after watching the interview, my eyes wandered down the screen to the "North Korea's: Fast Facts" section and this little tit bit make me think perhaps this is the reason for Kim Jong Un's overall attitude:


    Hmmmmm..... upload_2017-8-31_20-16-23.jpeg
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2017
    Eldon likes this.
  12. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I have been saying this for many years.
    And Saddam Hussein did the same... :oops:

    Reminds me of a saying I haven't used in many years...
    Kim Jong Un has never been constipated. When he was conceived the perfect asshole was made. :eek:
    legalsuit likes this.
  13. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    Yeah, couldn't agree more , words fail me...he really would end up as a huge loser, but at what cost of human lives and repercussions for years to come?

    There has to be a peaceful solution.
  14. baklogic

    baklogic The Tinkerer

    Power, pride, money, oil, EGO..........Over the years, so many have made conflicts for various reasons.
    There have been some good replies to this, and I would just hope that the US have the character needed to get through this saga without starting anything.

    We elect our leaders on the policies they promise, but so few keep to that - Yes, they must have the agreement of all parties before they say, or, make any threat to any nation. I do not think it was at all wise to allow himself to be sucked into this, without having discussion and advice from those he should in the US government -
    legalsuit likes this.
  15. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    Trump has surrounded himself with some good advisors with military background, fully understanding the meaning of war. Perhaps if he listened he might hear solutions...​
    True. Same here. The promises made I view as being a “Performance Check List”. A majority, of those promises should be met – showing valid and acceptable reasons for failures. If they want to keep their position and get re-elected, then they had better do something about it before their term runs out.

    Agreed. Hopefully now some peaceful, diplomatic resolution can be found. I know our Prime Minister Turnbull has been busy talking to different countries seeking solutions along with the United Nations Security Council who have condemned NK’s missile launch as 'outrageous', and China is trying to use its economical ties with NK towards a peaceful resolution:
    baklogic likes this.
  16. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    Our Prime Minister Turnbull has been busy trying to get dialogues going with overseas leaders and the UN. So I found it interesting to read Putin’s comments encouraging dialogue for resolution, “warning the US and others against going down a ‘dead-end road’ and calling for talks to resolve the issue.

    ‘Russia believes that the policy of putting pressure on Pyongyang to stop its nuclear missile program is misguided and futile,’…

    ‘The region's problems should only be settled through a direct dialogue of all the parties concerned without any preconditions. Provocations, pressure and militarist and insulting rhetoric are a dead-end road,’ Putin said.”[1]

    I now find alarming the tremors following this 6th test by NK, because even though this last test was "underground" it will still have reverberating effects and who know how it affects the countries in this Asia-Pacific Region of which Australia belongs:

    “…hours after [the test] a large quake that appeared to be man-made was detected near the North's known nuclear test site…The tremor struck within a 1km of the site of a magnitude-5.3 "nuclear explosion" from September last year, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS).”[2]

    I’ve always thought such “tests” are contributing factors to “natural disasters” occurring around the world.

    “…recent events — happening at the same time as the sobering anniversaries of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki — are a reminder both of the terrifying number of nuclear weapons in the world and of the devastating threat the world faces if these weapons are ever used again…”[3]

    There must be dialogues for resolution, not war games and bombs.

    Read more at:
  17. baklogic

    baklogic The Tinkerer

    I can see that the world is re-awaking up to the horrors that any Nuclear conflict can invoke on us. I would have thought that the first atom bombs were enough to make us realise that we could so easily destroy the earth, as was intimated over the years.
    I think the phrase 'nuclear deterrent' is overworked.
    Underground tests have always worried me- the links just confirm my worries over the years- the shock from the underground tests has always made me concerned about its effect on the earths crust, and tectonic plates. So, those links make me realise that I am not as daft as I seem.
    The plates have decided so much in many lifetimes.
    When the volcano in the arctic gave eruptions, the air traffic had problems with the effect on the air- imagine the effect it would have if several quakes, and eruptions happen at the same time- those links show the studies done.
    On the same lines, I gather the jet stream is used a lot with planes- this is unstable, now, so, I wonder if the fossil fuel used though these journeys has helped to change that - Add nuclear explosions to it, and we could kiss the world as we know it, goodbye.
    legalsuit likes this.
  18. Anon-469e6fb48c

    Anon-469e6fb48c Anonymized

    What most people realize is there not going to stop.There going to do it secretly just like US,And China and Russia.If one national gets a hold of a nuke than there is all ways that trigger finger.

    A lot of these governments think there people are stupid when they are not.

    They know this stuff goes on hidden from the public's eyes.Be cause they don't want a mass panic or rebel against them.Be cause we have every right to rebel.

    Just like oh area 51 is not on the map type deal.And yet people know where it is on google map lol.

    And apparently North Korea did there 6th nuke test that was as strong as a H bomb.So like i said once they start there not going to stop.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2017
  19. Anon-469e6fb48c

    Anon-469e6fb48c Anonymized

    This is what a H bomb test looks like in the sky.

  20. Just Playin

    Just Playin MajorGeek

    He's right. Kim Jong Un is terrified that the US will do to him what we did to Hussein, Qaddafi, Noriega and other tinpot dictators who did not toe the US line. Telling a paranoid man you will get him will not fix things.
    legalsuit and the mekanic like this.
  21. Imandy Mann

    Imandy Mann MajorGeekolicious

    If NK used it's space-reaching capabilites along with a nuke device it may be a game changer. We (every nation opposed to NK) have already played pacifist if not calculated to be pointed at us. But a nuke in orbit can cause a lot of uncertain damage. The US did test early on in the nuke game on such missions, some of which have been de-classed since, that demonstrated some unknown and unexpected results. Power and comm capabilities were affected in widely unthinkable locations. Satellites were impaired. We and everybody else had a lot less dependancy on electric and electronics and satellites back then. The NK has much less need for these items today than most any other country. We may even be disabled in some of our responses if NK drops on off in space first. Let's just hope 2/3 of our TRIAD will continue working. Who knows if a pre-programmed sub-launched missile could find its' target with no comms. So NK doesn't need to be accurate. They just need to be 1st. And that is troubling.

    They have already gotten too far.

    Our Powers to Be are too late most likely.

    A older article describes some of this. More info out there.
    legalsuit likes this.
  22. Anon-469e6fb48c

    Anon-469e6fb48c Anonymized

    Did you guys ever watch the two movies WarGames 1983 and Wargames the dead code (2008) it's kinda like that right now.
  23. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

  24. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    Appears whoever is giving "the nod" probably thinks that's all this is about...not reality, everything is happening in a "virtual zone" and no real person is being affected.
  25. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    As we're all aware, NK isn't the only one with nuclear power...see

    NK is treading on dangerous are those officials threatening military response.

    I am inclined to agree with Putin's comments noted earlier: ‘The region's problems should only be settled through a direct dialogue of all the parties concerned without any preconditions. Provocations, pressure and militarist and insulting rhetoric are a dead-end road,’

    I personally view: "a dead-end road." as not being just a pun.
  26. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    Appears those in uniform moving in a militaristic way on both sides must be deaf and blind in this instance, happily playing war games (as Wiley noted earlier). If bluffing, then they’re playing a most dangerous game.

    “Losing Face” for Asians is something to be avoided. Add narcissism and there’s a deadly cocktail mix when one is constantly being prodded with imbecilic rhetoric Tweets and ambiguous comments like “we’ll see” in response to NK’s 6th nuclear test.

    You’re spot on in IMHO.
    baklogic likes this.
  27. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    I can't help finding comparisons between Kim Jong Un/Trump, so I'll apologise up front before quoting[1]:
    • They are both narcissists
    • They are both power mad
    • They both have no respect for anyone’s opinions but their own
    • They both retaliate viciously against anyone who disagrees with them
    • They both think global warming is “fake news”
    • They are both overly zealous nationalistic isolationists
    • They both couldn’t care less that the two of them have unconsciously worked together to bring the world to the brink of nuclear war...
    • Both want to eliminate freedom of the press — they want to control the media so reporters will only report what they are told to report...
    • They have both been bullies...
    • They are both in denial about the fact that the whole world...[is] fearing they’re about to do something totally insane, like start a nuclear war.
    • Neither of them have any respect for anyone of the female gender.
    • ...when it comes to gays, bisexuals and trans people[2], they both think these kind of people should be fixed or disposed of. (

    [2] Donald Trump directs Pentagon to implement military transgender ban:
  28. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    So true...I find it incredible that normal, simple people such as ourselves can see what is going on and desperately want those in power to avoid going ballistic/militaristic and instead use dialogue for resolution rather than destruction.
  29. Just Playin

    Just Playin MajorGeek

    This is a comparison between the leader of the world's only superpower and leader of one of the least powerful countries on the planet.
  30. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle


    However, as leaders they should be setting examples, not being examples. Both need to come to some sort of agreement towards a peaceful solution.
  31. Just Playin

    Just Playin MajorGeek

    Such as?...
  32. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    I am not a politician nor pretend to be. I can only hope pacification and peace is reached and some solution to that end achieved by world leaders and the UN to avoid WIII.

    As you stated earlier re comparison between leaders, it is:
    "...between the leader of the world's only superpower and leader of one of the least powerful countries on the planet."

    That is the obvious heart of the problem. NK wants to be acknowledged on the world's stage as a nuclear power and is obviously pushing back against rhetoric and sanctions. The US is/has been an acknowledged power (though I don't know how they currently stand world wide on the nuclear stage).

    Sanctions don't appear to be working - maybe they need time to be effective, and it appears there is no time available.

    Perhaps Putin has simplified the solution in saying: ‘...The region's problems should only be settled through a direct dialogue of all the parties concerned without any preconditions. Provocations, pressure and militarist and insulting rhetoric are a dead-end road,’

    As I said right up front:
    "...I pray some peaceful solution/resolution may be found because Pride on both sides is evidence to indicate neither Kim Jong-un nor Trump will back down...heading down towards a destructive end which will cost lives on both sides...could be avoided if properly managed and handled by the proper delegates...

    Again, these are my personal thoughts and feelings while I seek clarification in regard to separation of powers and is not intended to insult or cause conflict with any reader...."

    Discussions here have put forward pacification and peaceful reckonings including frustration that past History's events seem to be ignored...if we simple folk can think this, why can't the powers that be?
  33. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Paranoia: "A psychological disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur." - WordWeb.

    Some food for thought...
    South Africa had 6 nuclear weapons that were dismantled in 1989, however, the highly-enriched uranium fuel was extracted, melted down, and cast into ingots.

    A serious concern is what could happen if the highly-enriched uranium fuel fell into the wrong hands - irregardless of the origin.
  34. Just Playin

    Just Playin MajorGeek

    Why does NK want to be a nuclear power? What threat does it perceive that would require a nuclear solution?
    legalsuit likes this.
  35. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    Great questions.

    However, misdirected at me as I am not a nuclear arms/nuclear expert, I can only offer personal opinions, not facts – so I expect NK wants to be a nuclear power for regime security - NK being their "own island", isolated from the rest of the world.

    As to what threat NK perceives? I can’t see inside Kim Jong Un’s head as to what/how/why he thinks/reasons the way he does…only an opinion can be offered based on his comments and reactions to rhetoric and sanctions.

    You stated in an earlier post, Kim Jong Un being the leader “of one of the least powerful countries on the planet.” This for me indicates vulnerability amidst stronger world powers – perceived as possible threats(?) to Kim Jong Un.

    Someone like Kim Jong Un would want such a position changed into a stronger one by gaining a place on the international stage as a nuclear power.

    What do you think in each instance of your double-barreled question?
  36. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    I expect there would have been talks and agreements reached by the appropriate heads before those weapons were dismantled, and maybe included were security measures for those ingots - I believe this is what you're referring to?
  37. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    Good to see calm and diplomatic dialogue being put rather than militant response to NK situation:

    United Nations Security Council
    (primarily responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security). held its emergency meeting on North Korea to find diplomatic solutions. While there were no actions today for resolutions on sanctions, it was interesting to hear the difference in type of language used by USA Ambassador to that of other attending members:

    • USA – “Enough is enough…country’s patience is not unlimited…freeze for freeze is insulting…Kim’s actions show he’s begging for war.” America will circulate a new sanction resolution and wants UNSC resolution on tougher sanctions vote next Monday.
    • Russia and China – Militant response is not solution. Begged for calm, both proposed more dialogue, a step by step freeze and a two-pronged approach on NK:
      • North Korea would suspend its nuclear and missile development;
      • the US and South Korea would suspend their joint military exercises, which they say are defensive. NK to abide by UNSC resolutions.
    Russia reaffirmed need for all to stay calm and all to return to dialogue and comprehensively a settlement can be achieved by calm and mediately balance issues.
    China expressed concerns of Trump pressuring countries [China] that trade with NK being unfair and unacceptable (such an action on Trump's part would cause effect not only to the US but to countries under Treaties to both US and China).​
    • France and UK – similarly called for adoption of new UN sanctions
    • South Korea – world is speaking with a unified voice – NK is a global threat. SK calls for increased measures, stronger sanctions against NK and asks UNSC to call all members of State to pursue resolution.
    Positive to see UNSC role in overseeing State members, most expressing need for calm, increased/tougher sanctions and deterrence rather than militant response to NK situation.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2017
  38. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    I won't comment too much on this, but how would you negotiate peace with someone with 'lil kim's history?
  39. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    The relatively calm and diplomatic responses from Russia and China are reassuring.
    Only time will tell...
    A murderous dictator is always a dangerous person. Just like Saddam Hussein was a dangerous person.
    And with no military experience Donald Trump is a dangerous person.
    baklogic likes this.
  40. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    Anyone is potentially dangerous. What has Rump done that is dangerous? Our last two presidents had not military experience either.

    Actually, Obumbles and Clinton did not, Lil George was in the military. My mistake.
  41. Just Playin

    Just Playin MajorGeek

    His primary threat is the USA. Ask Muammar Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein or Mohammed Mossadegh what happens when the US wants you gone. If one wishes to deter the most powerful military force on the planet, one needs a powerful deterrent.
    We've negotiated peace with a far more brutal and dangerous regime.
  42. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek


    And I am not against negotiation at all. And if I recall correctly, we paid 'lil kim a lot of money to not develop a nuclear program. Does not seem to have worked out so well, judging by their recent actions. So, how do you negotiate with someone who will wantonly kill his own citizens, and violate previous negotiations?

    I think maybe a drone with 'lil kim as the target might be in order.
  43. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Nothing. Yet...

    I do not mean Trump is as dangerous as shorty or the dead one. However, the number of people being killed or maimed, the destruction of infrastructure, damaged to the environment, etc. from just one nuclear bomb is unimaginable.

    Trump needs to put his brain in gear before engaging his mouth.
    Pissing off an isolated paranoid is a bad idea.
    legalsuit likes this.
  44. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Trouble is Trump is a paranoid isolationist.
    the mekanic and legalsuit like this.
  45. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    How so?
  46. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

  47. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

  48. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    Got any that are not opinion pieces?
  49. Just Playin

    Just Playin MajorGeek

    I know it's been a while, but you can't have forgotten the USSR already. Since you seem to have recall issues, the US had issues following up on it's end of the Agreed Framework. The US has played ball with many a scumbag and crook. Why stop now?

    The assassination of a sovereign leader will go over well with the rest of the world.
  50. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    The former Soviet Union at least understood the MAD aspect of nukes. And that was won by us outspending them.

    A family of people that have killed millions in the last 70 years? Hardly a sovereign leader. Especially when said leader is violating treaties...

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