Silent Hill May Be Getting Brought Back By Bloober Team...

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Cooper, Apr 21, 2022.

  1. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    The problem with the remakes is that they remove segments of the original game. I have a feeling the same will be for RE4. I would like a CV remake but no doubt this would be ‘edited’ as well.
    Cooper likes this.
  2. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    The remakes of RE2 and 3 are just as bad as each game for cutting content, and repeating gameplay elements. For example, Claire and Leon both fight William BIrkin's mutated form in the sewers, and they both went to the gas station. But how can they both be there? Shouldn't the other character be doing something, not in the same room, but elsewhere on the map?

    I see so many reviews where fans defend RE2, but universally hate on RE3. It makes no sense to us people who are aware of Capcom's laziness. Like, how can anyone say the third game cut content, and that it sucks, and deserved to be hated on, when the second remake had a lot of omitted enemy types, and more?

    Go to GameFAQs and just look at the threads. They'll never shut up about how RE2 is supposed to be seen as being golden. But the original game from 1998 is much better, despite how old it is. At least, in my opinion.
  3. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    GameFAQ RE forums need moderation as more often than not the thread ends up with verbal abuse towards anyone having a different opinion to the others.
    I just enjoy the RE games no matter if there’s cut content or not. Not everyone can keep old consoles so playing any version is better than none.

    I’m sure that’s the same with RE0 & RE1 with Rebecca Chambers. Both games are supposed to be at the same place in the timeline yet this character is in both games.
    Cooper likes this.
  4. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    Yep. That's why I left GameFAQs. I also have to be careful in general, because some Australian dope seems way too obsessed with my life.
  5. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    I’m careful if I do post but mainly view the cheats list or the guides.
    Yep, there’s some strange people there. Sorry to hear you’ve had problems with some people.
    Cooper likes this.
  6. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    Yeah. He is a weirdo. If you check out these anxiety forums, you will see he is using multiple accounts to post my personal information. Unfortunately, the moderators are long gone. He did this on too, which was previously called before the owner changed the URL. He is just an immature person, as well as a stalker.

    I know the guy's name is James Berich, and I knew him as "Nemesis556" years ago. So I called the police in Western Australia, and even recorded myself calling them. He likes saving my videos, slagging off my acting, and being a grass, if he notices me talking about people online.

    Since 2017, he has been harassing me every week. An admin on another site I visit was supposed to have banned his account, but he can somehow still sign in to search for my posts. He has since rejoined with another name. He first used "Rub" and then he responded with the name "Bur" over the last couple of weeks. However, since the admin is disinterested in being a good samaritan, he gets away with this nonsense.

    I think an episodic Silent Hill game would be very successful.

  7. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Often these people know well how to circumvent blocks on their accounts, if their IP address is blocked they usually use a VPN to get around the block.
    Blocking their email address does no good as they just change it.
    I wonder whether reporting these people actually does anything if they can continue the harassment so easily.
    Rub & Bur - backwards names, perhaps next he’ll use Urb. Just remember he’s got the problem not you.
    If an admin isn’t interested then you could complain to the hosting site on which the forum is based. I’m sure they’d be interested in how their platform is being used.
    I’ve been emotionally abused on various forums & had lies spread about me, thankfully that was sorted out but it was two years of stress.
    Cooper likes this.
  8. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    There's a lot of toxic people online. I don't see the point in arguing with them. Most forums like GameFAQs and others, are full of shills. So nothing you say will sway their mindset away from their personal attacks, over what you perceive is "the truth."

    I know personally, I tried telling them a gazillion times that Capcom may be a talented company, but they're also a money hungry company. So they do things to get fast cash. Like remaking games, and half-assing them. This is why the franchise is so oversaturated with remakes, spin offs, movies, novels, and all manner of garbage. Now it's turning woke as well. But you cannot let the sheep on GameFAQs know about that. They don't like criticism.

    In fact, due to that Aussie maniac acting like a creep so much, I no longer upload anything on YouTube. Maybe if he just acted like a normal person instead of being an arse, no-one would have to dislike the dude.

    At least with Silent Hill, Konami tried different things. Sure, it all got a little 'Hollywood' by the sixth entry, but each game was not really linked to any prior storylines. So a bad egg or two didn't hurt the older games. But disbanding Team Silent was dumb. I've no idea why that even occurred. I'm guessing Konami opted for a more American feel to the series, but Team Silent probably objected to that happening, preferring the overall Japanese J-Horror vibes. Only they know, I guess. But it's quite sad. The group had the talent!
  9. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Many fans are blinded to that fact & hate it being pointed out to them. Capcom can do no harm in their eyes & these fans would still buy those games then complain on the various forums about the missing content.

    It was. Most likely with SH they wanted it to have a wider appeal so changed things too much. I had hopes for Silent Hills.
    Cooper likes this.
  10. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    Somebody raged at me the other day because I said RE4 will have missing content. It's not really a case of "If" because it's "How much?" after what they did to RE2 and then RE3. But on GameFAQs, most of the users flame RE3 for removing things, when RE2 did it just as much. But I find they must get a mental picture of what their best game is, so when when the criticism is warranted, they defend it because it's the one they love the most.

    RE2 and RE4 are the two games generally considered as the best. So you're going to get people who stick up for Capcom's tactics, even if it's wrong that things are left out of the games. You can just tell that when RE4 is released, they're just going to beg Capcom to make it post release. Like the RE8 DLC we waited a year to receive news on.
  11. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    I will be surprised if RE4 has no cut content - I can see the rescue the dog segment going - as Capcom have cut the content of all the other remakes.
    I agree, those fans have a blinkered view of RE2. (& RE4) & they’ll defend the games even if Capcom removed 95% of the content.
    Cooper likes this.
  12. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    So, a guy responded to a thread on N-Europe, and he basically thinks I am a buffoon, because I said RE4 having enemies dropping ammo is unrealistic. :D

    Someone like me has played the older games many times, as well as the new ones. Or at least when they changed their styles up to where we are now. So I know the series declined because of 4 and the action tropes it escalated with. Not that I don't find it's a good game. But I don't understand why people think 4 is the best one.

    Well, okay. I do understand. They just prefer action over horror. But RE always had a mix of both genres anyway. 4 unfortunately, took that to a ridiculous level.

    I was thinking of replying. But I believe now there's no point. I may just retire from talking about the franchise. You can tell they ain't never played the old ones. Or maybe they have, but don't care. But RE4 gets praised too much. ;)

    I don't see the point in getting uptight.
  13. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    These type of ‘fans’ never listen, they have their beliefs & stick with them whether they’re right or wrong - no open mindedness at all.
    Soldiers dropping ammo yes, that makes sense but not the infected or B.O.W. Monsters.
    Cooper likes this.
  14. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    RE4 has to be the most overrated entry in the series, ever. And while I can see why people love it, I think it was the one game that abandoned the original storyline in such a crappy way. Like, I recall so many characters vowed to end Umbrella at the end of each game, only for Capcom to not go anywhere with it until they made a game on the Wii, that was a rail shooter. They named it The Umbrella Chronicles. But I feel like fans were cheated, because they should have did one last game with the original tank controls and fixed camera viewpoint to end the original story decisively. Then RE4 could have been the game they released to signal a new direction was underway, as opposed to how they did actually have things happening.

    When I check my bank account for real and see no money there, I think of the ogres in this game, and I think $100 worth of gold would be very helpful. :D
  15. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    I always though the original version of RE4 which was abandoned would’ve been much better. I viewed a video & it looked good. The released version was OK but yes the change from zombies to general infected didn’t work for me. RE 5 & RE 6 went down the same route but were worse - how can you be scared when there’s blazing sunlight.
    That’s why I didn’t purchase RE 7 on first release as I expected more of the same. When I did purchase I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed it - same with RE 8.
    I didn’t enjoy Umbrella Chronicles as I like exploring.

    Same here, some gold would be welcome. :D
    Cooper likes this.
  16. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    This morning, I actually took the time to respond to that dweeb on N-Europe in a formative, non nasty way. Then I just got a semi-sarcastic reply from this user. :)

    I need to listen to my gut when it says, "Peter, don't waste your energy justifying another post!" :D

    You don't need a degree in scientology to know they're probably not even fans of the old games, as in the ones that Capcom made before 2005. The games that made the series what it is today. While it could be argued that sequels like Resident Evil 4 gave the franchise a stronger boost, they are not what the series was founded upon.

    They talk about the 'B' movie vibes, and so on, being so terrible in the PlayStation era titles. But any real Resident Evil fan knows that's what made the series great to begin with.

    People like their cheesy, over the top, Michael Bay type garbage too much, that if a game doesn't have you blowing infected people up every few minutes, it's not considered to be a fun experience. So I think we can leave them to their own devices. Meanwhile, I will stick to my prerendered backgrounds, tank controls, and fixed camera angles. None of that even bothers me one bit. ;)
  17. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    They’ll never listen due to having a very narrow-minded view of their favourite RE games.
    I enjoy the puzzles within games - in fact the more difficult the better, but I know some people dislike puzzles & prefer just shooting things.
    Cooper likes this.
  18. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    I'll always prefer the older games, for the atmosphere, the characters, the creatures, and the exploration. They really messed up the franchise after 4 came out. And I think CV is way more atmospheric than 4, but 4 always seems to win the debate with fans about what the better game is, and all because it's an action adventure game with a little bit of horror stuff chucked in.

    I also happened to see more Silent Hill hearsay last night...

    Supposedly, a video was posted on a Japanese forum, revealing a release date for a trailer as being dated 12 July. But already, people believe it's another dud.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1543253049438863363|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=
  19. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    The majority of fans believe RE4 is the best thing since sliced bread. :D
    CV’s complaint in their eyes is that the player cannot obtain items from any storage box. I feel this makes the game more realistic & more difficult.
    I saw the same rumour. Until there’s an official announcement then most likely it is another fan based story.
    Cooper likes this.
  20. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    They have Leon looking the same as he did in the RE2 remake, which is odd. It's strange because the game takes place in the timeline, around 6 years later. In the original RE4, I guess you could say Leon looked different from the original police officer version in RE2, because the PlayStation games always had the polygonal look about them. But it's like Capcom hasn't even attempted to alter his appearance to reflect on his proper age.

    Yeah. That video looks fake. Looks like they just look that logo from Silent Hill and decided now was a good time to take the piss again. As if we haven't been stung enough over the last few years. Kick us while we are already feeling down about Konami leaving the series silent for over 10 years (minus anything they cancelled). Pun very much intended! :)
  21. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    "Took" I meant. ;)
  22. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Probably saving a bit of money by not ageing Leon.
    I suspect they’ll remove the save the dog segment - that’ll pee off many of the fans if they do.

    I’m currently playing Fobia- St Dinfna’s Hotel. It’s reminiscent of the original RE game. It is puzzle heavy though with a bit of fighting.
    The voice acting could’ve been much better though.
    Cooper likes this.
  23. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    As I predicted, the 12th of July Silent Hill thing was a hoax. :(
  24. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    I had to laugh at a post on one of the FB RE sites asking what the members thought Capcom would be removing in RE4 remake.
    Cooper likes this.
  25. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    I don't think I will be posting about RE on other forums much now, if ever. They started combining my threads or giving me lip. Like on the official Blu-ray forums, the users were acting so dumb. Like, it's hard to find communities now where people respect your viewpoints.

    But in general, forums have gone downhill and are mostly very inactive anyway. I also acquired an Australian stalker, who I first came across online in 2004. Yep. Rather sad guy, if you ask me. Very creepy too, in fact.

    The other day, he linked to a suicide post I made from 2008, but 14 years to the date I posted it. I was really just venting. Talk about a wacko. This was back when I was pretty depressed. But that was enough to convince me that people like him aren't good news. Not that I considered him to be in any way good to begin with. But that was like the final nail in the coffin for acknowledging him anymore.

    I really have to be careful, as he's highly obsessive. On, he uses an account called "Rub" to log in and look at my posts, so I will probably have to abandon all of my accounts now. But I attempted to get in touch with a legal firm in Western Australia, but they probably won't reply once you tell them you're not in their country. I've also called them and you either get cut off because the signal sucks, or they give you spiel about their lack of commitment to arrest him if you're overseas.
  26. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    The forums are toxic to anyone who disagrees with their views. I hardly post there. They seem indifferent to any spam posts (those t-shirt say yes if you want one) types, although these aren’t specific to RE forums.
    Since the release of the RE series on Netflix there’s been memes about perhaps they’ve been judging the movies too harshly. I love the movies but would not mention that on the forums.

    He’s certainly not all there mentally. You’re a survivor please don’t let him take you back to those dark days.
    Have you tried a solicitor/lawyer in your Country who could contact a lawyer or the Police in Australia on your behalf?
    Cooper likes this.
  27. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

  28. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    That’s terrible. The forum’s owner needs to do something.
    Sorry that you haven’t received any reply from a lawyer. I hope something can be done to stop him harassing you.
    Cooper likes this.
  29. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    I'm just going to ignore him.
  30. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    That’s the best option. These bullies seem to thrive on the conflict so by ignoring them you’re depriving them of that.
    Cooper likes this.
  31. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

  32. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    They won’t, any suggestion that Resident Evil isn’t the first survival horror game will be ignored even if the proof is put before them.

    I hope there’s something next month, most likely for RE4 remake though.
    Cooper likes this.
  33. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    Read the last 7 or so posts in this thread on Biohaze.

    You're considered to be a "parasite" if you continue to be a fan who points out to users on a forum, that Capcom does in fact copy other people's games, films, and so on. Their classic (or all too common) defense is that everyone else does it, and has done so since the dawn of time itself. So your argument is supposed to be pointless. How so...

    Jesus. But I really ought to just stop caring now, because you know how it is with Capcom's fanboys. They're impossible to get through to. Even when you show some evidence to prove your points and whatnot, they still think you're wrong when you just basically proved them wtong.
  34. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    They’ll never listen yet these ‘fans’ will be the first to complain when RE4 remake is released & segments are missing. I remember when an artist successfully sued Capcom for using her work in the RE4 logo - those ‘fans’ seem to have forgotten that.
    Cooper likes this.
  35. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    Did you know that Capcom removed dialogue from the VR version of RE4, for being too offensive? :D

    Seriously. Why do that to a game that came out nearly two decades ago? Plus, the game isn't complete anyway. They had already ported the full game numerous times in the past for consoles like the Wii, and so on and so forth.

    You don't even get any of the side content with the VR release, like Separate Ways. So it's a waste of money. This VR thing is just an overrated gimmick.

    Not expecting much from the RE4 remake either, considering the linear approach to 2 and 3 with tons of cut locations and creatures, and a story that doesn't feel quite the same as the originals. Plus, there are better horror games to play these days. Capcom are no longer the top dogs.
  36. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Did they remove it from the non VR version? If not I wonder why the VR version was edited.
    Yes it has been ported to many consoles, same with the original RE as this appeared on the GameCube. I suspect the original will be next for the remake treatment even though there’s already a HD version on the PS4/5.
    Cooper likes this.
  37. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    It's still in the original.

    I consider the PS2 version to be inferior, as the graphics are just terrible in the port. They also said at the time that RE4 would be a GameCube exclusive, which as we know, ended up not being the case.

    The PS2 release has more content, though. Separate Ways is basically RE4 from Ada Wong's perspective. So I hope the remake has this included. It could even be DLC.

    Now if Capcom are smart, they'll have already been working on this extra content, unlike with RE8 having no additional content at launch. It felt strange how RE8 didn't get DLC sooner, because did they not assume the game would be as popular as it is, and all of the previous games had it, so why wasn't that the case here?
  38. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Yeah I found that very strange as I wouldn’t expect the PS1 version to have better graphics.

    I suspect Capcom may release SW as DLC & make more money from RE4.
    Same for RE8, had it been poorly received then the DLC may have been free but as it is a big success then Capcom know they can make more money from the DLC.
    Cooper likes this.
  39. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    Tokyo Game Show is 15-18 September. Konami are going to be there, so fingers crossed!
  40. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Yep. There’s also some rumours surfacing that the various Silent Hill games are being released on Steam, whether these will be remakes or just the originals nothing further was mentioned.
    Cooper likes this.
  41. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    I think it would help to bring them to a new audience, as not everybody has a PlayStation 2. So many gamers have probably only gotten to grips with the series through let's plays.

    As for a new game...

    I think there's two last possibilities for any kind of surprising announcement in 2022. Tokyo Game Show is one such event, and the end of the year Game Awards is still possible. Otherwise, I don't have a Scooby.
  42. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    It would certainly bring new fans to the series. I just hope that they also bring the games to PS5 too - & not as part of PS +.

    Hopefully more information will appear soon.
    Cooper likes this.
  43. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    Capcom actually copied Gears of War 3 in 2012. :D

    In Resident Evil 6, you can see they copied the game by looking at this video. So I wonder if Xbox Game Studios are even aware of Capcom doing this.

    At least Silent Hill was inspired by other things, and wasn't necessarily a rip off of anything. It's up for debate, I suppose. Konami have used assets from films and novels before.

    If there happens to be anything noticeably similar, people are bound to say it's copying. You know? Like how they got the jist of what they wanted from watching Jacob's Ladder.

    Capcom copied other games and movies too, over the course of the franchise's duration. Yes, even going back to the original game in 1996.

    There was one guy on another forum who kept assuming I only targeted my opinions at the newer games. Although I do do that quite a bit. In all fairness, I should do the courtesy of writing 100 word essays just to make them shoosh up.


    People said RE7 was the closest that purists had to the classic survival horror elements finally making a return. But to do this, Capcom had to intentionally copy a lot of well known horror films. So again, this is Capcom being credited for stealing other people's ideas.

    It's not very original.
  44. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Game developers know that remakes & re-releases will make them money & remakes are cheaper to create than new games.
    Capcom most likely make a minimal change from the original game to ensure they cannot be sued.
    Cooper likes this.
  45. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

  46. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Chances are they’re photoshopped/faked or the HD versions which have been blurred. I’d go with the latter.
    Unless there’s an official announcement I would take anything with a piece of salt.
    Cooper likes this.
  47. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    It crossed my mind that the images could be fake. It's funny how Dusk Golem only chimed in for more clicks once this person's information got out there.

    With a major event just around the corner, this could be someone's idea of taking the Mickey. Rumours like this have persisted for several years by this point, with people claiming to know things. But then that's all they have so far, amounted to.

    SH2 being remade wouldn't surprise me though, giving how Konami admitted that Capcom inspired them with their RE remakes. Or at least someone said that. So rather than remake games in order, they opt to just update the ones that sold well, or got the most acclaim in the day. It's less of a gamble, and likely to pay off.
  48. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Has Dusk Golem ever been correct in their ‘leaks’ I wonder.

    I agree, SH2 would be the first. But like with RE I’d be worried about how much of the game they’d remove.

    Only Konami know if they’re going to remake &/or release a new SH game. These ‘leaks’ are nothing more than clickbate imo.
    Cooper likes this.
  49. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    Some sites claim their announcement isn't for Silent Hill, but likely Suikoden.
  50. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Possibly. Only time will tell.
    Cooper likes this.

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