Silent Hill May Be Getting Brought Back By Bloober Team...

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by SCT Guy, Apr 21, 2022.

  1. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant


    Now Dusk Golem is claiming there’s remakes of RE 0/zero in the works (along with Code Veronica) & that RE remake isn’t happening.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  2. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant



    Capcom has lost the plot. :rolleyes:
  3. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Release date of Oct for SH 2 remake. Digital collectors edition comes with several masks, digital art book & soundtrack which can only be played via PS5 - no mp3 download option.
    Physical release is just the game but Game (UK) is offering a steel book for pre-ordering.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  4. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    Yeah. I saw the showcase last night, and thought it was good. The lighting looks much better than Capcom's recent RE games, which is ironic. Aren't SH games supposed to be darker? LOL.

    The detail is incredible. Wasn't sold on the face models at first, but they aren't bad. The combat looks good. I do think fixed camera angles are better, as they used to indicate the position of something important. :oops:

    I hoped to see some new footage of the other games announced in 2022 from Annapurna Interactive (Townfall) and the other one called just f. But none of them made an appearance or were mentioned. Oh no.

    Also, RE9 appeared on Play Asia. But some people suspect the listing is fake. It's hard to say. But I think a reveal is due soon, as Capcom has had a pattern of revealing RE games over the summer. Covid in 2020 was a broken gap, but I mean... it was Covid. :p

    The cover has Leon on it and a lady, but you cannot see her face. It could be Rebecca, but it is probably Jill. Many fans have missed Jill as a main character. :cool:

    While some people believe Maria died in the last animated film, some viewers noted her body was gone in a later shot. But I doubt Capcom will do a game that references the animated film, but it did happen before RE5 came out with Tricell being first mentioned in Degeneration.

    By the way, I retired my accounts on all other forums, apart from here, maybe Biohaze, and a few others. Unfortunately, Biohaze is mostly inactive too.

    I noticed all other forums have no activity. I therefore see no point in using them, but that nutjob we know obviously stalks me 24/7. He needs to be fully ignored now, which means just leaving the majority of forums behind now. You know how they are, these idiots.
  5. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Now the forums are ribbing/complaining about Angela’s face being too round. No doubt they love to complain. :eek: :mad:

    RE9 appearing on PlayAsia was probably just due to the rumours of the game being released. Now there’s news of a delay that site probably removed it.

    I recently bought MADiSON VR & it’s full of bugs. The biggest is that you can’t pick up an item which is found under floorboards due to the hand or item becoming stuck under the boards so trying to pick it up the ‘hand’ just disconnects from the item.
    Sometimes the camera doesn’t take a photo.
    Reported it but so far no reply from the devs.

    Glad that you’re still on this forum. I’ve found the more negative a forum/group becomes the less people want to post - probably in fear of being ridiculed or abused for their comments.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  6. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    Summer Game Fest started at 10 PM, but it has been, so far, a snoozefest. A real slog.

    Capcom had some samurai game shown off. Only one new game has me curious. Once Human.

    There's just 15 minutes to go until the event ends. But I cannot see RE9 or that being announced tonight. Although maybe Capcom will have another showcase down the road, perhaps this fall.

    As for Angela in SH2. Yeah, she doesn't look right to me. But my expectations are always low now in this woke era. Apparently, Bloober Team had to hire consultants to avoid offending people with sensitive subject matter. That just sounds awfully dumb, to be honest.

    Blumhouse Games also looks like an interesting new developer. Blumhouse of course being the brains behind movies like Get Out.
  7. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Nintendo direct has the usual games, only 1 I’m interested in is the new legend of Zelda where you actually play as Zelda.

    I don’t mind the change with Angela, I just hope the game is good.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  8. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    Same here. Although I have lost interest in survival horror. I just think for fans of it who started in the 90s, we know the landscape has changed.

    Why'd I get a PS5, again? o_O

    Maybe we're being replaced; I had best check myself for any wiring. :D

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