Silent Hill May Be Getting Brought Back By Bloober Team...

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Cooper, Apr 21, 2022.

  1. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant


    Now Dusk Golem is claiming there’s remakes of RE 0/zero in the works (along with Code Veronica) & that RE remake isn’t happening.
    Cooper likes this.
  2. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper



    Capcom has lost the plot. :rolleyes:
  3. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Release date of Oct for SH 2 remake. Digital collectors edition comes with several masks, digital art book & soundtrack which can only be played via PS5 - no mp3 download option.
    Physical release is just the game but Game (UK) is offering a steel book for pre-ordering.
    Cooper likes this.
  4. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    Yeah. I saw the showcase last night, and thought it was good. The lighting looks much better than Capcom's recent RE games, which is ironic. Aren't SH games supposed to be darker? LOL.

    The detail is incredible. Wasn't sold on the face models at first, but they aren't bad. The combat looks good. I do think fixed camera angles are better, as they used to indicate the position of something important. :oops:

    I hoped to see some new footage of the other games announced in 2022 from Annapurna Interactive (Townfall) and the other one called just f. But none of them made an appearance or were mentioned. Oh no.

    Also, RE9 appeared on Play Asia. But some people suspect the listing is fake. It's hard to say. But I think a reveal is due soon, as Capcom has had a pattern of revealing RE games over the summer. Covid in 2020 was a broken gap, but I mean... it was Covid. :p

    The cover has Leon on it and a lady, but you cannot see her face. It could be Rebecca, but it is probably Jill. Many fans have missed Jill as a main character. :cool:

    While some people believe Maria died in the last animated film, some viewers noted her body was gone in a later shot. But I doubt Capcom will do a game that references the animated film, but it did happen before RE5 came out with Tricell being first mentioned in Degeneration.

    By the way, I retired my accounts on all other forums, apart from here, maybe Biohaze, and a few others. Unfortunately, Biohaze is mostly inactive too.

    I noticed all other forums have no activity. I therefore see no point in using them, but that nutjob we know obviously stalks me 24/7. He needs to be fully ignored now, which means just leaving the majority of forums behind now. You know how they are, these idiots.
  5. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Now the forums are ribbing/complaining about Angela’s face being too round. No doubt they love to complain. :eek: :mad:

    RE9 appearing on PlayAsia was probably just due to the rumours of the game being released. Now there’s news of a delay that site probably removed it.

    I recently bought MADiSON VR & it’s full of bugs. The biggest is that you can’t pick up an item which is found under floorboards due to the hand or item becoming stuck under the boards so trying to pick it up the ‘hand’ just disconnects from the item.
    Sometimes the camera doesn’t take a photo.
    Reported it but so far no reply from the devs.

    Glad that you’re still on this forum. I’ve found the more negative a forum/group becomes the less people want to post - probably in fear of being ridiculed or abused for their comments.
    Cooper likes this.
  6. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    Summer Game Fest started at 10 PM, but it has been, so far, a snoozefest. A real slog.

    Capcom had some samurai game shown off. Only one new game has me curious. Once Human.

    There's just 15 minutes to go until the event ends. But I cannot see RE9 or that being announced tonight. Although maybe Capcom will have another showcase down the road, perhaps this fall.

    As for Angela in SH2. Yeah, she doesn't look right to me. But my expectations are always low now in this woke era. Apparently, Bloober Team had to hire consultants to avoid offending people with sensitive subject matter. That just sounds awfully dumb, to be honest.

    Blumhouse Games also looks like an interesting new developer. Blumhouse of course being the brains behind movies like Get Out.
  7. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Nintendo direct has the usual games, only 1 I’m interested in is the new legend of Zelda where you actually play as Zelda.

    I don’t mind the change with Angela, I just hope the game is good.
    Cooper likes this.
  8. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    Same here. Although I have lost interest in survival horror. I just think for fans of it who started in the 90s, we know the landscape has changed.

    Why'd I get a PS5, again? o_O

    Maybe we're being replaced; I had best check myself for any wiring. :D
  9. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    The genre is getting too many similar games, when PT/SHs arrived there was a glut of the same ‘walking around corridors’ simulator games released & are still being released but they’re not a patch on PT.

    Now a new RE game has been announced but no mention whether it is 9 or another remake yet. Many fans believe it is 9 though.
    Cooper likes this.
  10. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    I hardly think of RE anymore. In fact, I got bored talking about it because on other forums, they were expressing how unhappy they were with my rants. Forums are seldomly active any more either. One I posted on called Silent Hill Community decided to cancel their prior forum. When you go to it now, the forum is new, but with no sub-sections. I honestly wonder why they did that, as the forum was semi-active already.

    Everything I said I still believe in. I do think Capcom has copied a lot of ideas from other games, and that their current games just aren't very good.

    What I dislike is how they always go back to 1998. I recently heard a rumour they may make RE0 into a movie, as well as develop yet another series for Netflix. But this is what I mean. Raccoon City was blown up in the original RE3, so it feels pointless to rehash the fate of the city in different mediums.
  11. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    It can get monotonous on the forums especially if they find something they don’t like about a game.
    Like when the 66 World Cup is regularly mentioned because they’ve not won anything since - yet the Women’s game has won several cups.
    Cooper likes this.
  12. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    Yeah. I think they feel inclined to say something isn't good, just because the vast majority already feel that way, so not to look silly or whatever by trying to go against what the bulk of a fandom had already said with scorn in their voice.

    RE6 for example is hated by most fans of RE as a whole, but I know a guy on another forum who says it is his top RE game, and he openly disregards haters who say otherwise. But I noticed he gets kind of agitated if you make a comparison with his user name mentioned, as if to say, "Please don't @ me!"

    I think it is better to be honest and reflect on how one personally views a game. Because amid several dumb, "Cool story, bro"-esque troll posts I saw the other day there, I seen someone on another forum calling the RE2 remake a 'masterpiece' and admitting they hate tank controls and the static camera viewpoint in the older RE games, which says all there is to say about new age RE fans these days. So you can tell this person is a more modern follower, who only likes the feel of the recent games in the franchise, as he knows he can adapt to the more comfortable controls they appear to provide. And I'm not gonna play the gatekeeper and say somebody is wrong, just because they like the new games more. But it does seem a bit annoying when somebody claims to like a series, only if it appeals to the modern demographic as opposed to the people who supported it from its infancy stage, to where it is a household name to this day.

    I will remain a low key fan of the series. But to be honest, Capcom has soured my perception on survival horror. It used to be a genre I willfully supported. I hate it how great games with content get buried, or called "movie games" by idiots. Projects met with passion, like Bend Studio's Days Gone. Yet they would rather act like those type of games are the crap ones, while letting Capcom know nonsense like RE8 is all the rage. It is why RE has held the title of Survival Horror King, in spite of many games being rather mediocre.

    I conceded that I was wasting my time telling them about my feelings in long winded threads, and I therefore turned to streaming services to enjoy movies instead.

    Really, though. I seldomly even think of video games because these companies like to show a brief trailer containing little content, then take 2 to 3 more years to release it or promote it further. I got bored with the lack of keeping fans in the loop, then gradually lost interest.

    It probably won't even be worth the wait anyway.
  13. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    It’s the same with the new Silent Hill 2. before the recent trailer the majority of fans were complaining about how Bloober would mess the remake up as well as saying it’d be a cr@p game. Now they’re all raving about how good it’ll be.

    Sometimes fans can spoil a great franchise by abusing those who like a game which they don’t.
    Cooper likes this.
  14. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    I was wondering where you went.


    Yeah. Watch as Konami and Bloober Team gets torn apart by the pack of hyenas that makes up 98% of people on forums, YouTube, Discord, and so on.

    It's stupid, because this remake looks faithful and is being extended - all at the same time. When Capcom did their remakes, their fans only nitpicked on RE3 for having omitted content and overlooked RE2 and 4 massively.

    That's just biased. But you know how they are. :eek:
  15. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Lost access to the site as my 2fa via authenticator app received an error here. I had to find my backup codes to get in then change my 2fa back to email. :(
    Yep, it sounds like more areas to explore so is much bigger than the original.
    I pre-ordered via Game but the shop I ordered from decided to close so had to get a refund of my deposit; ordered via their website though for the steelbook pre-order bonus. However I’ll not receive it until the 14th. Seems to be coming from the U.S. or is just taking a long time - Game have confirmed it has shipped.

    yeah, RE4re has segments missing/omitted yet the fans don’t mention that. I say just enjoy the games.
    Cooper likes this.
  16. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    Yeah. It's pointless to engage in those kind of debates online. People are always going to disagree with something, whether that's an opinion in regards to gaming, what bands they like, or something as irrelevant as what you like to put on your toast. It doesn't matter what the subject is. Some people are often just daft, and feel the need to take something intended as entertainment way too seriously, and will stick up for something they admire, even if it means hissing and spitting like a cobra at those who they perceive are naysayers.

    Like when The Last of Us Part II had Joel Miller dying at the hands of Abby Anderson, a fictional character, these losers threatened the life of her voice actress. Then when the TV series was preparing the second season, the actress playing Abby in that medium had to have protection. All of this because a character in a game was killed off.

    I was posting on Biohaze. I'm actually astonished that my account ("Caffeine Addict") didn't get banned. The admin logged in, and we rarely see him. A few members apparently got banned. I was almost certain that I'd be one of them, as it was looking like a few members were implying they hated my negativity, and lurked on the forum, just to seize the chance to talk crap at me the other day. But surprisingly, I have dodged a bullet.

    With that said, I'll take that as a friendly warning sign to just put in my time there and elsewhere, as opposed to giving them the satisfaction of having me outed. Plus, I don't want to offend their kind by calling them fanboys, or referring to them as the sheepfold, and whatnot. I do firmly believe that if something makes you happy, it's worth pursuing. That doesn't mean I think it's in any way shape or form right that Capcom continues to milk the RE franchise, or occasionally copy other games. Which I have noticed has happened. But I mean, why even bring it up on those kind of communities? It's obvious that even in the event you can prove them wrong, they will just buy the games regardless and go about their business, as if you never even replied at all.

    In fact, I noticed on YouTube, this back and forth stuff happens to users all the time. Say you have a few K followers. Your channel will likely be pushed to the top, meaning it gives childish zealots the opportunity to find YouTubers to hate on. So if one states that they aren't buying a game for (insert reason), haters will hate. Usually when these haters say things like, "I have nothing against him or her", this is not actually correct.

    Yes, people can be critical of others in a fairly calm manner. But it seems like the member called "Misery" on this autism forum I went on was right about why this happens. Channels just do this drama because they see it gets them views.

    Offline, though, WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? They're no-one. And when they speak at a fast tempo about someone, you know they're likely unhappy.

  17. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    I think Bloober has done the game proud. The naysayers have shut up (apart from the odd one) & everyone seems to be enjoying the game.
    These people can’t differentiate between real life & a game it seems - why do they think a VA has any control over what their character does.

    I doubt my YT channel would ever be that popular. Most of those seem to be from users who just post rumours or their gameplay where they talk over the game. I just post how to videos.

    Capcom know RE is very poplar so will no doubt be releasing many remakes knowing they’ll sell. Even if they released RE 5 &/or 6 which imo weren’t the greatest games.
    Cooper likes this.
  18. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    Yeah. Very much faithful. Beautifully executed. I don't think the dialogue is quite as good as the original. It did not seem to reasonate with me all the time. But the game is so large and designed with awe, that it barely matters.

    I seen a few YT users just saying stupid things and not making sense. One guy said James was in town looking for his "sister". How funny.

    I don't know why after this, anyone will bash the talented group that is Bloober Team. Their old games maybe weren't good, but those games did not have a strong backing from the likes of Konami.

    Just got word that a page appeared on Metacritic for RE9. Hoping that Capcom cleans up their act after a few duds. Their games are always well received. Maybe not RE3. But they do well enough that you know RE will be around for years to come.
  19. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    I noticed there’s been an increase in RE9 rumours, whether they’ll come true or not only time will tell.

    There’ll always be those who complain about Bloober & SH2re because they can’t believe they did such a good job. Bloober are interested in remaking more SH games which can only bode well for the franchise.
    Hopefully they’ll consider the Born from a Wish dlc too.
    Cooper likes this.
  20. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    Yeah. I think the naysayers owe them an apology. LOL. Fat chance of that happening.

    Yes, RE9 sounds exciting. I heard a rumour about Barry being a supporting character. Definitely keen to have Capcom finally revisit the storyline about Alex Wesker, or more specifically, Natalia. They always do that, though. Add in new plot threads that they seem to abandon per each new game, which is why they never brought back Billy Coen from RE0.

    It takes a while for Capcom to make sense of their storylines, as every game they develop can feel disjointed in terms of how it all links together. But I'm interested to learn more about the blue Umbrella and the Connections who Lucas Baker had contacted in RE7.
  21. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    I too doubt that’ll happen.

    No further news yet on RE9, just the same rumours about who’ll be appearing in the game. I’d think it’d make sense for it to be a continuation of 7 & 8 in that they’ll be searching for the Mold’s origins. Include in that a storyline on Lucas Baker & his connections with Blue Umbrella.
    Cooper likes this.
  22. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    The Game Awards screened last night, but RE9 wasn't revealed. Capcom did confirm a new Onimusha game, at long last. But it's not expected to be released until 2026.

    Astro Bot is the GOTY.
  23. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Tbh I didn’t think it would be but hoping they would make some announcement.

    Yes, I was hoping SH2re would get something though.
    Cooper likes this.
  24. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    I'm going to start a top 40 horror collection, specifically for the years 1960 to 1989. I am going to budget and only spend £100 a month. Some are out of print. I think sellers list things for more than they ought to, due to having to make a profit. But I doubt if a Blu-ray is really worth sixty quid.

    Nope. Nothing going on for RE talk. LOL. Kind of ironic how I went on the likes of Biohaze and other forums, yapping about how it was a dying franchise. Now there's nothing new to cover, because all the news is really not even truly news, but more so hearsay.

    Not heard anything more about SH:TF or f since 2022. I think it's unusual to go this long without any update. All we know is that No Code hasn't cancelled the game. There was an issue where Annapurna Interactive staff left over a dispute, but they were just announced as the game's publisher.

    I haven't really felt like discussing survival horror online much, because some forums like JoyFreak are riddled with bots, or just have no more worthwhile threads to post in. There's all these "articles" they post, which lead to sites with suspicious content. But they are probably trying to promote things they shouldn't be.
  25. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Quite a number of my fav horror movies are even older - latest 30s - 40s with Universal & going into the 60s - 70s with Hammer. I have many Mummy films on DVD or Blu ray, Hammer Dracula, The Mummy & Frankenstein (Blu ray) & Universal’s The Mummy’s Hand (dvd).

    Dusk Golem spoke up about it apparently giving what could be read as excuses as to why RE9 didn’t appear.

    Perhaps they’re looking for another publisher for SH:TF & f although it shouldn’t mean Konami can’t say anything on updates.

    I keep a low profile as much as possible due to trolls. IMO it depends on the specific group’s admin/mods - if they stamp down on trouble quickly then that’s fine but often they’re just as bad as the trolls, they’re the groups I leave.
    Cooper likes this.
  26. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    Yes. I like the old Universal movies too. I guess I could do the 30s as well, but I bet a lot of those movies are hard to find.

    I subscribed to a magazine called "Variety" to look at their archived grosses pages. They have box office information all the way back to the first week of March, in 1922. :D
  27. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Now there’s going to be another The Mummy remake - hope it isn’t as bad as the Tom Cruise version. Some of the old Universal films may not have done well Box Office-wise but have since become a cult classic.

    There’s rumours that Bloober are remaking SH & SH3 as they have a number of games in production - fingers crossed for those.
    Cooper likes this.
  28. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    Doing remakes and making subtle changes is okay. But I was actually happy to see that Konami was very faithful to the original SH2. It didn't feel like a massive betrayal in terms of altering too much, unlike how Capcom made Nemesis in RE3 into a walking trash bag who behaves like Batman and then "teleports" through a ceiling.

    But what's even more funny is seeing Jill in 2015 wearing what looks to be the same attire from 1998 (for her remake model). Even in RE5 and so on, she was completely different. So these kind of changes are kind of noticeable, and may be confusing.
  29. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    I want them to remake the full Dragon Age series, with remastered graphics, and have it be one continuous game where you have to advance through the whole story based on the world state you create instead of importing them as you go. I also want them to make it so that after you play through it once you can create alts that can either start a new world state, or enter the one you already created at any point as a SECONDARY character, playing through the aftermath of what you already decided to do.
    Cooper likes this.
  30. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    Not heard anything about the Maria scenario being DLC. But it's about time the other games Konami unveiled in 2022 got some update.

    I mean, Capcom hasn't had any recent RE news. But anything you see on Game Rant, etc, is speculative. And Dusk Golem is normallly behind it.
  31. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    Ah, the classic Game Rant rumor mill strikes again. Yeah, Capcom hasn’t dropped any actual RE news recently, so anything floating around is just speculative fan fiction with a sprinkle of Dusk Golem’s “insider” guesses. Pro tip: until Capcom says it, it’s as real as a unicorn in Raccoon City.
    Cooper likes this.
  32. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    f was rated in South Korea. It could mean nothing, of course, but at least progress is finally happening. Because Konami revealed that game over 2 years ago. The same with Townfall.

    I hate today's gaming, where they show a trailer that reveals... absolutely nothing that makes sense... and then they take ages to issue any update. It gets to be so boring, with the hearsay. Because while a lot of it can come true, it could come from sources that are dishonest.
  33. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    We are seeing more information arriving, however much is still just rumour. SH-f has been rated so that’s good news but there’s no further information about the story.
    Without regular information people could lose interest.
    I suspect that Born from a Wish will either appear 6 month - 1 year after release or they’ll not bother with the DLC at all.

    The rumour mill has surfaced with stories that either RE Zero is the next remake or RE 1 is next - I’ll believe it when Capcom announces it.

    Currently playing Assassin’s Creed IV- Black Flag but the Community chests are a nightmare to find. I found one for the robes but require 2 more for the 100% sync. In two weeks I’ve found a further 1.
    Cooper likes this.
  34. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    I have no idea why Capcom always goes back to Raccoon City and 1998. They destroyed the city in the original RE3. So why they rehash that storyline, I have no idea. :D

    I find it kind of sad. I know they want to bring it to a modern market with a new take on it, but this is just nonsense to a longtime fan who wants to see the future be brighter than ever. But they're stuck repeating the same storylines. :p

    To summarise...

    Outbreak 1 and 2.
    Movies by Paul Anderson.
    Movie reboot.
    Netflix series.
    RE2 remake.
    RE3 remake.
    Etc, etc.

    Make a new place, and call it Possum City.
  35. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Raccoon City is synonymous with Resident Evil so Capcom knows it’ll gather interest in the game or movie. No doubt the new wave of movies will visit RC at some point.
    I agree there needs to be other places which should be as well known. Yet they didn’t give the villages in RE4 nor in RE8 a name afaik.
    Cooper likes this.
  36. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    I haven't played horror games in ages. I hoped SH2 would have DLC. It would have been short anyway, but it still kind of feels wrong to leave out Maria's scenario.

    I suspect RE9 news will come in the summer.
  37. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Cooper likes this.
  38. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    I sold SH3 ages ago when I was 'Jack Flint' (skint). Cannot even get it on the PS store. Yet the first game is on it very cheap, compared to what you would be paying for a sealed copy. It came out back in 1999, of course, so it may be worth thousands by 2050. LOL.

    It's weird. But the entertainment specialists CeX don't buy platinum versions. Like how the director's cut of SH2 came to the PS2 after having exclusive content on the Xbox at first. Seems kind of odd, as I'm sure any version of SH2 must be worth a lot, giving the universal praise the remake gained.

    While the next Bloober Team and Konami collaboration has yet to be revealed, I think you're right. It will most likely be a remake of 1 or 3, as they'll be like Capcom going forward. :D

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