Software For Managing Non-conformances Online?

Discussion in 'Software' started by ownthree, Mar 16, 2017.

  1. ownthree

    ownthree Corporal

    I really want to get updates from you about the needs of a business to manage and track issues online. How do you manage your company's non-conformances ? Do we need a software systems for this?
  2. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Give pHKapa a try. The free version is quite limited but worth a trial run. There's also an online demo you can try.
  3. ragmacaron

    ragmacaron Private E-2

    I'm guessing you're working in an ISO certified company. We do have a CAPA (Corrective and Preventive Action) software in our office that help us with our ISO compliances. It can generate a corrective action or preventive action request that routes through review, root cause, corrective action taken, and verification stages. It can also generate multiple reports automatically, providing an effective mechanism for tracking the source and costs of problems.
  4. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

    You need to get advice from a business specialist in IT.
    This is just a person-in-the-street forum for basically home IT use.
  5. ownthree

    ownthree Corporal

    Thanks for the reply guys. We already contacted ETQ for their CAPA software and asked for a quote and a demo. I'll check out pHKapa just in case this doesn't work out.

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