Some characters showing up as blank boxes/boxes with numbers inside

Discussion in 'Software' started by sparta, Mar 11, 2014.

  1. sparta

    sparta Private E-2

    Hello, I have had this issue for a long time. I am using Windows XP. I was browsing a forum yesterday and some girl posted "I love you" with some weird letters (ℒ♡ⓥℯ ㄚ♡ⓤ) but I just can't see it right. It is not another language like Chinese/Japanese/Korean, it is just some funny looking letters which my computer can't recognize. And it is the same with Firefox and Chrome, so it is not browser related. I have read a lot but can't really make it work. Does anyone know what this is about and can anyone help me ?

  2. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

  3. sparta

    sparta Private E-2

    Hey, yeah, pretty much the same for me. Do you know how this can be fixed ? It's a little annoying when someone says to me "look what they posted, isn't it nice", and all I see is white boxes and squares :s
  4. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Other than installing a ton of font packs and enabling multi-language support, sorry I do not know. Past asking, maybe?

    It used to be that some websites would offer you the font for download if the site required it. I don't think that is possible on things like forum responses and such.

    Can you post the URL (provided it isn't private)? I am curious if it shows the same for me.
  5. sparta

    sparta Private E-2

    I posted the funny characters in my original post, can you see them ? And how do I install the font packs ?
  6. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

  7. sparta

    sparta Private E-2

    Yes, I think the characters you posted in the second link are the way they should look.
  8. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Which probably means it is an OS X specific font.

    Edit: Nope. It looks fine in Windows 8.1 too.

    Are you on XP by any chance?
  9. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Did some research:

    These are the three fonts used:

    Arial Unicode MS
    Heiti SC
    Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN
  10. sparta

    sparta Private E-2

    I am on XP, yes. I will have a look at the fonts you posted. Thanks :)
  11. sparta

    sparta Private E-2

    I installed Arial Unicode MS and the symbols showed up correctly. I guess this was the missing font on my computer. Thanks a lot once again :)
  12. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Glad I could help :)

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