Suggestions for new graphics card

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by mcsmc, Jul 4, 2010.

  1. mcsmc

    mcsmc MajorGeek

    First of all, my specs:

    Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-K8N-SLI

    CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+

    RAM: 3GB DDR SDRAM (2 512MB and 2 1GB sticks, using all four slots)

    GPU: MSI Nvidia 9400GT in 1st SLI slot (I'm only using one slot)

    HDD: 2 500GB WD HDDs

    I need a new graphics card. The GPU I have is "MSI N94GT-MD512 GeForce 9400 GT 512MB 128-bit GDDR2 PCI Express 2.0 x16 HDCP Ready Low Profile Ready Video Card".


    What I'm looking for in a new graphics card:

    2 HDMI inputs
    DVI input would be nice, but not required
    Handle 2 1080p displays (one 24", the other 47") and stream 1080p/BD video with no issues
    Gaming isn't a huge concern, but the ability to play games coming out in the next few years would be a definite plus
    I will be eventually replacing my CPU with an Intel i7/similiar, and MB/RAM with comparable components in the future, so I need a graphics card that will keep up with my new system
    Definitely needs to be Nvidia (no ATI!)
    I'd also definitely like overclocking possibilities

    I honestly don't know much about GPUs. I have a fair understanding of the rest of computer components, but haven't really ventured into the graphics world until now. I've looked around on Newegg, but I'm getting lost quick. Suggestions/help would be much appreciated!
  2. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    You'll first have to answer if your case is thin which would explain the low profile card which would greatly reduce your choice if you had to replace with a low profile with better specs even if possible. How wide is the case?
  3. mcsmc

    mcsmc MajorGeek

  4. mcsmc

    mcsmc MajorGeek

    I'm not seeing graphics cards with two HDMI ports... weird.

    I'm looking at the GTX 480s... would running two GTX 645s SLI or running one GTX 480 be better?

    And now that I'm thinking about it... would a 650W (constant rated, not peak) PSU suffice to be able to run one of these suckers with my machine?
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2010
  5. pclover

    pclover MajorGeek

    The card doesn't have to have HDMI just two DVI ports which 99% of the cards do except a lot of on-board cards. You can buy two DVI to HDMI converters and get the same quality as HDMI would give you.

    EDIT: I cant READ! lol

    IF you don't do a lot of gaming there really isn't a point of a I7 or a high end video card.

    Maybe give me a couple game titles you like to play?
  6. mcsmc

    mcsmc MajorGeek

    I know DVI = HDMI quality-wise, so you're right -- no big deal.

    I'm not really worried game-wise, but I also don't want a card that I CAN'T play games with, should a game come out that I end up getting hooked on. Honestly, the most gaming I do is on my Wii, and that's occasional.

    I simply want a card that will go with the latest and greatest hardware, because this computer setup is about 6 years old, and it's about time for a major upgrade (i.e., completely new system), which I want to last at least another 5 years.

    I won't be getting a new CPU, etc. for months at the least, but I don't want to end up buying another graphics card a year from now because the one I get now can't keep up with a new system.

    What other series does Nvidia have besides the GTX 4**s, that might work well for me, if any?
  7. pclover

    pclover MajorGeek

    I would look into the GTS 250

    It's a very good middle ground.

    That CPU i would say for games is a bit of a bottleneck.
  8. mcsmc

    mcsmc MajorGeek

    Yeah, I know my CPU is ancient haha. What's the big differences between the GTS 250 and the GTX 480? Besides the obvious huge difference in price!
  9. pclover

    pclover MajorGeek

    The GTX 480 is the top of the line Nvidia card at the moment so that's why.

    GTS 250 is a mid range of the 200 series cards.

    I don't see the point of a GTX 480 for your setup.
  10. ScoobySnack

    ScoobySnack Private First Class

    That popped out at me while I was reading through- No. Considering that you want to upgrade your cpu also and will want to leave room for future upgrades like ram etc, I'd say shoot for at the least an 800w with 50-75amp +12v current rating.

    PClover's on the money, and just to add my 2cents- a 250gtx (look for the gtx, not gts or gt, though that's not to say those are bad cards) should be well suited to what you need for several years. I'm running a 260gtx and can comfortably dual my 28" monitor and 32" tv, as well as handle any current game with high settings.
  11. pclover

    pclover MajorGeek

    About your PSU it depends on the brand.

    If it's a good quality 650W psu It should run a GTS 250 without a problem.
  12. ScoobySnack

    ScoobySnack Private First Class

    With respect, I had a Antec 650w that would not boot my system. Spec at the time was an Asus M4N mobo, AMD Phenom II x4 965, 4gb DDR3, and the gtx260. That's more demand than what he has listed for now, and would probably serve to boot his current system with the 250, but with a cpu upgrade and ram down the road, imho a 650w would have a hard time of it. Maybe I just had some bum luck at the time though.
  13. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    That could easily run a pair of 250's. I've got a pair of 9800GT's which have been re-branded as 250s by marketing and I'm running them OC'd with an OC'd Q6600 and 4 GB RAM on an Antec Earthwatts 500W. Now, I'm not suggesting you scrimp on the power at all, just that you can with quality.;)

    If you eventually want your GPU's SLI'd then I'd go for a Corsair 850TX or equivalent off the bat as if you get the 650W you were talking about, comes time to slap a second card in and it goes pffft! $130 isn't that much money if you add up your future i7 components and what it would cost to replace.:) Besides, with PSU degradation it will last you well into the second 5 years.
  14. mcsmc

    mcsmc MajorGeek

    Thanks for all of the suggestions!

    I just want my current PSU to get me by until I make the other upgrades... I know I'll most definitely need a bigger PSU when I upgrade everything else. I'm thinking I'll probably end up going with a 1000W Antec or similiar.

    Speaking of PSUs, I pulled off the main access side of my case, and my PSU is actually 600W continuous rated (not 650W like I previously thought). It's a Silverstone ST60F.

    My PSU:

    I bought this PSU several years ago after doing a lot of research, and it's been a champ.

    After looking at all of the cards mentioned (GTS 200 series and GTX 200 series), I've decided to go bigger and just get a GTX 465. It's not THAT much more than the 200 series, but at the same time I'm not spending half a grand on the best of the best.

    Now, my questions are... will my 600W PSU handle that with my CURRENT system? If not, I'll get the 1000W PSU when I order the graphics card. I'd really like to wait on getting a new PSU right now, though, if I can.

    My other question is, what's the best GTX 465 I can get (brand/quality-wise)? EVGA seems somewhat popular here, but I'm somewhat of a MSI fan. Which of the below seems a better card?

    There's a $30 price difference right now, but if $30 will get me a better card, I'm willing to spend the extra change.
  15. mcsmc

    mcsmc MajorGeek

    I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure my current PSU can handle the addition of a GTX 465, as it has two (unused) PCI-E 6-pin connections.
  16. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Well, the 465 takes a minimum of a 550W PSU(I hate that, tell me in amps!:mad) so theoretically you should be OK.
  17. mcsmc

    mcsmc MajorGeek

    Alright, thank you very much!

    I'm just going to go with the MSI card.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2010

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