system mechanic 9 -list index out of bounds(1)

Discussion in 'Software' started by richdio, Nov 23, 2009.

  1. richdio

    richdio Private First Class

    system mech will not load get a box saying,

    list index out of bounds(1)

    Tried to uninstall re-install still the same, program will not load.

    Any help thanks..
  2. Roy L

    Roy L Private E-2

    Same here.
  3. LI_Geek_95

    LI_Geek_95 Post-and-Run Geek

    Probably a code error. Developer's fault. And index(list) starts at 0. (S)He probably meant to put 0 there instead of 1, and there is nothing in 1, so it threw an error.
  4. richdio

    richdio Private First Class

    If you havnt already got this !! here it is from system mach themselves..
    worked for me..

    For some reason there was an issue with a file update that provides certain tools in System Mechanic with file information, such as startup items and running processes, either did not download correctly or did not register correctly. The steps below will resolve the issue and we will be implementing an internal process within System Mechanic so that this will not occur again.

    1. From the Windows Desktop, please perform a CNTRL+ALT+DEL with the keyboard and select the Windows Task Manager.

    2. Go to the Processes tab, highlight the process named "ioloServiceManager.exe" and select End Task. If using Windows 7, you will need to select the button to view processes of all users.

    3. Please delete the file named ioloFileInfoList.dll from your system.

    Windows XP
    C:\Program Files\iolo\Common\Lib

    Windows Vista and Windows 7
    32-bit systems: C:\Program Files\iolo\Common\Lib
    64-bit systems: C:\Program Files (x86)\iolo\Common\Lib

    4. Close all open windows and start System Mechanic. There will be a notification for a Tune-Up Definitions update, please follow through with the update by selecting the Download and Install Now button.

    5. After the update is finished, please close System Mechanic.

    6. Please click on the Windows Start button and select Programs (or All Programs), Accessories and then Command Prompt. Please type in the following at the command line including the quotes (for your given platform):

    32-bit systems: "C:\Program Files\iolo\Common\Lib\ioloFILParser.exe" /autoshutdown /uselocal
    64-bit systems: "C:\Program Files\iolo\Common\Lib\ioloFILParser.exe" /autoshutdown /uselocal

    7. Restart your computer.
  5. Roy L

    Roy L Private E-2

    thanks very much, richdio, your fix worked for me w/o doing the command (steps 6 and 7 not done) in this way: at step four no update was offerred - s.m. opened normally, indicators showing that an analysis had never been done (earlier i had re-installed over s.m.)(subscription expiration date was not lost, but shows "16 months" left instead of a date); i did quick analysis to see if s.m. worked - yes (it saw the missing dll file); i closed and opened s.m.; it wanted update this time - ok, and now the dll is back (v., 11-11-09, 712kb).

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