Unknown Registry entry

Discussion in 'Software' started by ss19, Mar 17, 2009.

  1. ss19

    ss19 Private E-2

    Welcome mayor geeks, this is my first post. Today I recognized that i have a virus called Generic!Atr (Mcafee), and i was vondering what's new is in registry and i saw this: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\5445A6B76C37DACE3DC675A8242A215B
    this entry contains many unknown registry entries [​IMG] so can i delete all registry folder that 5445A6B76C37DACE3DC675A8242A215B
  2. ss19

    ss19 Private E-2

    So. I did all the Malware cleaning thing that you wrote... I read all and scan all, these are results
    CCleaner: well it free up my disk space up to 30 MB's
    Mcafee VirusScan Enterprise 8.5.0i found nothing, but first time it found on all USB that Generic!atr, Now that computer virus who infected USB is gone, my all USB are now clean.
    SUPERantispyware found nothing
    Malwarebyte's found nothing
    Combofix found: 3 items.
    Other Deletions:
    c:\program files\Common Files\System\Uninstall

    But this registry folder is still in registry. so what could it be! ? thats the question.
  3. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    as posted its Malware and you need to as you followed the Read Me Guide for Malware removal to start a new thread in the Malware forum and attach the logs gained from that guide, so that the malware removal experts can assist you in removing the remaining parts of this malware as in many cases manual removal is needed as the automated scanners just cannot do this as malware has random names, and they cannot keep up.

    Judging by the code its either Mal/FakeAV-V or Trojan:Win32/FakeXPA

    The 3 items you posted in recycler are your bin, so make sure that those are emptied.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009
  4. ss19

    ss19 Private E-2

    Hey guys. I remembered that my Malwarebyte's Removed that virus Antivirus 360, and now i think virus is gone but only thoose registry entries stayed, because one time when i turned on my PC there was that AV 360 and it was scaning something, and said that i should buy it to remove more than 400 viruses, then i scaned with Malwarebyte's and it cleared it. Now i was reading thoose two virus descriptions that you give me and yea thoose registry entries are like at the virus description registrys. so i had http://www.threatexpert.com/report.aspx?md5=60fd0cd414fe44bda4bc802715e11f24, now i will just delete thoose registry entries.. am i right?

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