Updating Bios

Discussion in 'Software' started by ed_case7, Feb 9, 2018.

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  1. ed_case7

    ed_case7 Private E-2

    Hey guys,

    I've been following this thread:


    And I'm wondering what the etiquette is regarding hijacking it is? The thread is dead due to the user toasting his machine, however the thread pertains to the same system as I am working on and I have gotten further creating a bootable USB than the other user did, and I can explain steps to avoid his error... BUT my BIOS still refuses to update ;)

    So, new thread or hijack...


  2. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Hi Ed

    Welcome to Major Geeks. :)

    Always a new thread if you are asking about your own problem...even if it's the same issue. It just keeps confusion to a minimum and also makes sure it's your issue people are paying attention to as most people always look at the first post.

    If it's helpful to explaining, you are welcome to link to that thread...but again, it's best to include most of the relevant info regarding your specific problem and machine in your post. Again...most people read that as apposed to clicking on links.

    Also...thanks for asking first...and good luck with your system.
  3. ed_case7

    ed_case7 Private E-2

    Hi Laura,

    Thanks for the prompt response; a new thread it is then :)
    LauraR likes this.
  4. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

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