What Is The Difference Between Dvi Or Vga And Ms Timing On Flat Lcd Screen

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by superstar, Aug 13, 2006.

  1. superstar

    superstar Major-Superstar

    Hello I have a "SAPPHIRE RADEON 9550 256MB 128BIT" video card, and I am buying a new lcd flatscreen for the first time in my life. My video card has more than one output... as in you can connect different things on it. But I do not know exactly what can be connected as I am new to system building and such. Anyways I heard there are different kinds of connections that come with lcd flatscreens. VGA, and DVI or whatever else there is. I also heard that there are different MS (ie: millisecond) speeds, or well at least I think that is what it stands for.

    My questions are:

    1. What is the best choice for me when I buy an lcd flatscreen, dvi or vga? Does it even matter? I want to keep up to date with these things so I don't want to use old technology. If some dvi thing hooks up to my vid card and is newer technology than vga, than I want that. Please tell me...

    2. Does it matter if a lcd flatscreen is 12ms or 8ms? Is there a big difference? I hope that means milliseconds. If so than I bet it does'nt matter. I just want to know as I watch a lot of movies on my pc, and play 3d games.

    This is the lcd flatscreen I am thinking of getting:

  2. InYearsToCome

    InYearsToCome MajorGeek

    DVI is the newer and superior connection (white connector on the video card). VGA is the older one (blue connector). DVI provides better clarity for sharper images, and faster communication due to higher bandwidth.

    as far as pixel response time, unless you are very very discriminating, you will not notice the difference between 12 or 8 ms. Lower is better in general, but thats not a large gap. LCD's have come very far in the past 2 years-- the average response time used to be 25ms (and yes thats milliseconds), and its now down between 8-16, with the fastest of the bunch being around 4ms. You really dont hear much complaining about 'ghosting' under the 16ms range, so you're good to go!

    The LCD you chose looks like it has some very good specs, and the price is about right also. I'd say you've done well and I'm sure you'll enjoy it :)
  3. tunered

    tunered MajorGeek

  4. superstar

    superstar Major-Superstar

    I take it that a normal 19inch lcd flatscreen is better than a WIDESCREEN because of my gamming habits and the fact that there are things that are not supported on that size of screen. Okay I get it now. Thanks for the video link.

    Thank you for the information as well.

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