What song are you listening to?

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Strogg, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. harry hu ha

    harry hu ha Private First Class

    KRS one black cop! great song by the way
  2. jarcher

    jarcher I can't handle a title

    Queen-tie your mother down
  3. flip

    flip Private First Class

    Hazen Street - In Memory Of
  4. NeoNemesis

    NeoNemesis Moutharrhea

    eric clapton-layla
  5. jarcher

    jarcher I can't handle a title

    is that the original or the slower unplugged?

    I am at the former
  6. NeoNemesis

    NeoNemesis Moutharrhea

    original...its a good song....
  7. jarcher

    jarcher I can't handle a title

    now i am listen to cocaine

    but what I never understood
    is that I can here it on the radio
    but when kid rock says cocaine in picture
    its edited out. . .
  8. fleppen

    fleppen Gumshoe

    Machine Head - Wipe The Tears
  9. eclayton

    eclayton Sgt. Shorts-cough

    Tunnel of Love - Mark Knopfler, Dire Straits
    Cooper likes this.
  10. MrPewty

    MrPewty MajorGeek

    One Step Beyond - Madness
  11. harry hu ha

    harry hu ha Private First Class

    boom boom boom outhere brothers :) Hu Ha
  12. fleppen

    fleppen Gumshoe

    Queen - A Winter's Tale
  13. dude111

    dude111 Private E-2

    Im listening to one of my 8 track tapes :) (Barry Manilow Greatest hits)

    Current song: Mandy
  14. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    I don't know WHAT I was listening to 11 years ago, but I get it was awesome.
  15. Bob D

    Bob D Private E-2

    ABBA Fernando
  16. Bob D

    Bob D Private E-2

    I like AC DC
    Cooper likes this.
  17. dude111

    dude111 Private E-2

    Listening to my YES record :) (Big Generator)

    Current song: Big Generator
  18. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

  19. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private First Class

    Life Is A Rock by Reunion
  20. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

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