
Discussion in 'Software' started by earlook, Mar 31, 2020.

  1. earlook

    earlook Private E-2

    just gone onto Google and a search when a sign said "cannot access etc" so clicked my wifi logo to see "policesurveillance2" in the options which was strange so i rebooted and all ok and "policesurveillance2" had gone but a search for this found nothing?
  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    You picked up someone's wifi signal that was in range. Some people get creative with names so I wouldn't worry about it. You can name an SSID that gets broadcast to anything you want.
  3. evilfantasy

    evilfantasy Malware Fighter

    One of my neighbors likes doing "FBIsurveillancevan" or some variation of that. Right now it is named after their dog. Not sure why they change it so often but it can be amusing.
  4. earlook

    earlook Private E-2


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