Wireless Disconnects at regular intervals

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by DeepaPraba, May 7, 2004.

  1. DeepaPraba

    DeepaPraba Private E-2

    I am using windows XP.My wireless connection in my laptop gets disconnected aerval of 10 minutes only when iam working at my home whereas it works fine in my office.Can anyone please help me out ?

  2. cat5e

    cat5e MajorGeek

  3. Kodo


    make sure you don't have IEEE authentication enabled.
  4. Jacques

    Jacques Private E-2

    I know wot u meen m8, my wireless disconnects every 5 mins.

    my stupid parents dont trust me about setting up a LAN! (my parents are very ignorant and think that they know more than me, but my mum thinks that upgrading your OS is formatting. hehe!)

    Good luk with it
  5. Draith

    Draith Private E-2

    Hrm, i think i had a problem similar to this a couple years back. It was on a router running the 802.11b standard. What i ended up doing was flashing the firmware of the router, as well as that of my wireless client card (Lucent Tech - Gold card for my laptop) and disabling WEP.

    a quick note about WEP, there's some argument as to whether it's useful or not. I know it's caused connectivity problems for people occasionally, particularly when using wireless routers and client cards from separate companies - could cause problems syncing? None the less, some people say it's easily hacked and won't really deter anyone who wants to access the network, and there are better ways to protect it. As for me, i live in suburbia, we don't have an extensive range for a network - essentially we're in a low-risk area. Of course i don't leave myself open - never did on my old school's LAN either. So I use mainly application level encryption, which i know to be much more secure, such as SSL and SSH. I'd at least stick with those.

    Hope it helps.
  6. Kodo


    the alternative that should work is to disable WEP 128bit and use MAC filtering. This way only specified MAC addresss will be allowed to access the router.
  7. Draith

    Draith Private E-2

    I'd definitely go with that, although i'd amend it to being in addition to application level encryption, basically so that you don't have unencrypted user names and passwords floating in the air around your house for some war driver to pick up... :)
  8. DeepaPraba

    DeepaPraba Private E-2


    Disabled the IEEE authentication.It works greatly.
    Thanks all for ur responses.
  9. Kodo


    you're welcome.. make sure you're WiFi is secure.. use WEP or even better... WPA. I know I said to not use wep in an above statement .. that is pretty much because it can be cracked easily. But better something to encrypt your air then nothing at all. Use MAC filtering as well to keep people from entering your network.
  10. Melmo

    Melmo Private E-2

    those cheapo blue unti's from lanready do that company packed up rather than fix it.

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