
Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by nicksimec, Oct 27, 2007.

  1. nicksimec

    nicksimec Corporal


    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2007
  2. nicksimec

    nicksimec Corporal

    starware serach box

  3. bjgarrick

    bjgarrick MajorGeeks Admin - Malware Expert

    Your logs are clean. If you are not having any other malware problems, it is time to do our final steps:
    1. If we used Pocket Killbox during your cleanup, do the below
      • Run Pocket Killbox and select File, Cleanup, Delete All Backups
    2. If we used ComboFix, you can delete the ComboFix.exe file, C:\ComboFix folder, C:\QooBox folder, C:\WINDOWS\nircmd.exe, and the C:\combofix.txt log that was created.
    3. If we used SDFix you can delete all the SDFix related files and folders from your Desktop or whereever you installed it.
    4. If we used SmitFraudFix, you can delete all files and folders related to it now including the c:\rapport.txt log.
    5. If we used VundoFix, you can delete the VundoFix.exe file and the C:\VundoFix Backups folder and C:\vundofix.txt log that was created.
    6. If we had your run FixWareOut, you can delete the Fixwareout.exe file and the C:\fixwareout folder.
    7. If we had you run Avenger, you can delete all files related to Avenger, the log (avenger.txt) and C:\avenger.
    8. If we had you download any registry patches like fixme.reg, fixme1.reg or fixWLK.reg (or any others), you can delete these files now.
    9. You can delete the ShowNew.Zip and GetRunkey.Zip files and the files that you extracted from the ZIP files. You can also delete the C:\newfiles.txt and C:\runkeys.txt logs that were created
    10. If you are running Windows XP or Windows ME, do the below:
      • go back to step 8 of the READ & RUN ME to Disable System Restore which will flush your Restore Points.
      • Then reboot and Enable System Restore to create a new clean Restore Point.
    11. After doing the above, you should work thru the below link:
  4. bjgarrick

    bjgarrick MajorGeeks Admin - Malware Expert

    Open IE, click on Tools > Internet Options. Once open, click on Settings under the Search category. Locate Starware and delete it.
  5. nicksimec

    nicksimec Corporal

    ok i did all these but my computer is slow
  6. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

  7. nicksimec

    nicksimec Corporal

    yeah i think i still got virus
  8. bjgarrick

    bjgarrick MajorGeeks Admin - Malware Expert

    Why do you think this? Your logs were clean the last time you posted them.

    You can post fresh logs but I do not this is Malware related anymore.
  9. bjgarrick

    bjgarrick MajorGeeks Admin - Malware Expert

    Not all slow computers are malware related, there are several things that cause slow computers.
  10. nicksimec

    nicksimec Corporal

    i got access denied for getrunkey show new and hijack this but it still gave me a log for hijack this
    oh it wont let me upload the hijackthis file it said it was already posted in this thread or somthing i already tried renaming it
  11. nicksimec

    nicksimec Corporal

    internet explorer crashes now it never happened before but it happend around 5 times in 3 days
  12. bjgarrick

    bjgarrick MajorGeeks Admin - Malware Expert

    Unless you have somehow reinfected the system I don't this your problems are malware related.

    Go back to the initial post, the READ ME and try those scans again and post some new logs.

    Primarily I need GetRunKey, ShowNew & HijackThis.
  13. nicksimec

    nicksimec Corporal

    do i do the vista one again or the first one
  14. bjgarrick

    bjgarrick MajorGeeks Admin - Malware Expert

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