First post, first thread.

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by simpsonsdirektor, Nov 4, 2010.

  1. simpsonsdirektor

    simpsonsdirektor Private E-2

    So this is my first thread, and first post actually on this forum.

    I just joined because I'm having a few problems with my computer and I want to learn for real, and not just use programs and hope they'll fix my problems.

    I'd like to start anew, fix all these problems, etc.

    So I guess need advice, where to start, what programs to download, anti malware anti virus etc.

    I have a pretty good knowledge, more than the average user, but I'd also like to increase said knowledge...

    is there maybe a thread that explains this?

    forgive me, I really don't even know what im asking for.
  2. simpsonsdirektor

    simpsonsdirektor Private E-2

    I should also add...the reason I joined is because I cannot stop google from redirecting my links.

    and I tried HJT, but youre not allowed to post your logs, so idk what to do
  3. silas

    silas MajorGeek

    Hello and welcome to MG :wave They offer free learning of tons of stuff at these places located on the link below. Also 1 or 2 of the sites you got to not use hotmail or aol or whatever I think gmail is accept so you will have to make an acct there. They dont take hotmail and aol for there reasons.

    I am pretty sure Iam safe to say they don't offer training here. Pretty much got to make an account and apply for one of the sites. I can tell you now that they do not want/like you signing up on all the sites at once and applying for all of them. Because if you got accepted in each one you got way to much on your brain and will quit. So I suggest 1 site at a time.
  4. silas

    silas MajorGeek

    Are you saying your infected with redirect infection? If so I suggest You go to malware section of forums. Click the forum named "malware" and at the top are stickys. You should read dont bump it only hurts you and also read the "read and run" . Basically follow the read and run exactly as ask and post the logs they ask you to. And the do not bump is to say not to make new post in your threads saying"hello anybody help me" type stuff. just post the logs and they will get to you as soon as they can..

    Heres the read and run

    And heres the do not bump! Bumping a your thread only makes it more time added to your post being addressed
  5. simpsonsdirektor

    simpsonsdirektor Private E-2

    ok Ill try the read and run.

    and thanks for the welcome.

    but i guess im confused about bumping and posting. when is it ok to bump and to post?
  6. silas

    silas MajorGeek

    Yeah most def do the "read and run" and post all logs. I see many people say they ran the scans and its working fine and thanks! I see them come back and re post again with same issue. Its best to have a profession person here to get the infections and unwanted stuff out. We can see the outside but they can see the inside. Also about bumping. Say you make a post and post all your logs in the malware section. You come back 10 minutes later replying to your original post saying"HEY CAN i GET HELP?" "WHY NOBODY HELP ME" like many do! That is bumping. Your adding something to your thread that doesn't have anything to do with the infection/malware. Now say they tell you to run a program and you cant. Its not consider "bumping" if you respond saying I can not run this program for blah blah reasons. Note when you run all the programs in the "read and run" there are like 5 or 6 programs to run and post logs on here. And just a heads up you can only load up 4 or so logs each post. So Youll make your 1st post saying whatever. Need help got redirecting issues. Heres my logs. (then you upload the all the logs you can fit). Then submit. Then Click post reply again in that same window and say "heres the rest of the logs" And then you want to attach the last 1 of the logs that couldn't fit on the 1st post. That is okay bumping because it has to do with the issue. Not the ones that say help its been 10 minutes I need help! Wait in line and do what they tell you. People reply in there threads sometimes like 5 times in 20 minutes. And its nothing cept wanting to get there thread read and fix 1st. But they have to wait in line! Get it or no just a big paragraph of text that I like to do to confuse people?:-D
  7. simpsonsdirektor

    simpsonsdirektor Private E-2

    ok, i got you. thanks right now im doing the read and run malware removal guide and im trying to access the windows 7 user access controls, but i cant find it because the directions are for vista...where can i post?
  8. simpsonsdirektor

    simpsonsdirektor Private E-2

    i apologize, I just saw right underneath that lol...i got so involved in trying to find it, i didnt look underneath that.
  9. silas

    silas MajorGeek

    No problem. Heres is a link to what my last cleaning was. Its just to show you how it should look with logs attached. And like I said theres to many logs to attack to just the 1st post so you will need to do like I did. Also it does not matter what order you attach logs. Just make sure there all there.

    Link to my thread I just had done. DO NOT follow its instructions ONLY use it for a guide on what it looks like when attached logs are attached and so on. Sometimes people infection will be nasty and they got to do a bunch of different programs and do different type of methods to do stuff so in there threads is a bunch of work(when mine is nice and non infected)
  10. simpsonsdirektor

    simpsonsdirektor Private E-2

    alright, so i guess what im confused about, is WHERE can i post these logs, im just confused about that, cause i dont wanna break the rules and I saw a rule not to post HJT logs
  11. silas

    silas MajorGeek

    You post it in the Malware section If its software related then software, if hardware then hardware. Also you really won't get introuble posting in the wrong section of forums. They can move it and tell you why they moved it. Your new so no hard time given:-D
  12. simpsonsdirektor

    simpsonsdirektor Private E-2

    lol thanks man, im a member on a corolla forum, and theyre rough on new guys, so i just dont wanna be seen as a turd...

    so under the software forum, i could ask a question that i actually need to know..

    because I have some cracked software and keygens, and keygened software, that MAY show up as a virus, that arent really viruses..
  13. silas

    silas MajorGeek

    - First we are better then they are:major
    - If you have any sort of software related/program related ask in the software(yes).
    - Finally :banghead This forum is one of the if not the best forums out there. Its totally clean 100% all have been tested before loading items on to here for tons to use. And this forum likes to keep things straight/honest/legal. And one of the things we don't want to see is cracks/keygens that you got from somewhere. We get in trouble if we allowed people to do this illegal stuff on the forum. So first things 1st is the malware section people will go over your logs. IF they see any crack/keygen/illegal stuff they will ask you to remove it or they will not help you. Many do this so don't get worried I am just stating they will ask you to remove it if you want help from here.

    edit- to add Theres even infections out there that can be dealt with but you can delete and get rid of 1,000s while the infection is adding 100,000 and those type of infections pretty much means your going to clean install and reformate and not keep anything because if you keep something that is infected and put it onto the new clean computer(it will get reinfected).So downloading and getting illegal stuff is bad for you and bad for the computer
  14. simpsonsdirektor

    simpsonsdirektor Private E-2

    but i mean say something shows up that is an adobe crack...JUST SAY, i dont wanna delete it, but im not aware of it. and i totally respect your rules, will someone let me know NOT to delete it, as to keep my cs4.?
  15. silas

    silas MajorGeek

    Why do you have a crack adobe for the CS4?
    What is wrong with normal legit adobe?
    Does the game not run without this crack? If so go to the game section and post for help to installing it and running it. But if you do this that means the game has to go for that system not a cheat to try to get a game for windows 2000 on a windows 7.

    And I don't know if your meaning you know its there but you can play dumb in the malware section (like you didn't know it was there)? Everyone reads the forums so its out there. Also I really doubt they help you until you uninstall this crack/keygen.
  16. simpsonsdirektor

    simpsonsdirektor Private E-2

    ok...well im not gonna say anymore on the grounds i may incriminate myself.

    still kinda confused man...who can i talk to confidentially?
  17. silas

    silas MajorGeek

    Just do the scans with the programs and load the logs into the malware section of forums and wait for them to get to you. I must go for now.:wave
  18. simpsonsdirektor

    simpsonsdirektor Private E-2

    alright man, thanks for your help...hope youre around tomorrow when i get confused lol nah jp have a good night
  19. dr.moriarty

    dr.moriarty Malware Super Sleuth Staff Member

    If you want our services, you will be asked to remove cracked software and keygens/keygenned software.
  20. simpsonsdirektor

    simpsonsdirektor Private E-2

  21. simpsonsdirektor

    simpsonsdirektor Private E-2

    i used system restore just to re-gain consiousness... NONE of my browsers computers so messed up...and I'm embarassed...and i shouldn't be
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2010
  22. simpsonsdirektor

    simpsonsdirektor Private E-2

    got to this step without problem...

    and then I ran into problems ans and had to restore...

    thats to prove im not a spammer and im not trying to hijack your thread...that my legit cell phone number...i hold a trust in this forum...noramally I dont..
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2010

    NICK ADSL UK MajorGeeks Forum Administrator Staff Member

    As this is a public forum could you please refrain from posting your personal details like email and phone number in future
    many thanks :)
  24. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Please start a thread in Malware to continue your questions: Malware Removal
  25. silas

    silas MajorGeek

    Make a thread in malware post all logs you got, post what you couldn't run in there. They will help you in the malware section

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